"What are you running from little brat?"

"Sigh. I wonder what direction this handsome me should bless first? And what kind of disciple should I take? Old? Young? If they are female they will definitely fall for me. Well let's just go first and decide later." said Liang Chen.

On his way he just couldn't care less for the divine mirror shadows all around. After all today's battle was just way too much, over a dozen top clans tried to kill this guy but they were wiped out instead.

Fortunately or unfortunaly no sound could be transmited from the divine mirrors, otherwise a commotion would be but certain. This troblesome guy was about to pass his legacy and disappear.

Over a few hours of flight later and Liang Chen was over one of most prominent cities in the Wu Empire. This town was called Li town and was obviously ruled by the Li clan. And today was a great day to Li Town, after all the young master of the Li Clan was getting married. The young master of the Li Clan was a perverted piece of thrash. That was how all people knew him but no one dared to even mention it.

Of course Liang Chen never even gave a damn about anything. He just blindly few in the sky in a random direction with his eyes closed. He completely believed in his luck, he believed his disciple would be the first person he would see after opening them.

Suddenly he heard a commotion below and a little girl was fleeing for her life while people screamed full of hatred at her.

Liang Chen smirked. "And here I was bored and wanted something to lift up my spirits. Let's go down and bless them with my godly presence."

"What are you running from little brat?"

The world was all dark and cold and there was no sound either. Only a soul floating in the midst of this dark and lonely place.

"Why did I lose? How? How could such an inferior dao beat mine? A weapon is cold and merciless not a tool to move the heart."

A long time seemed to pass and finally she could hear a voice. It was a voice that gave disgust as soon as one heard it.

"Hehehe today you are going to be this young lord's. But before our marriage let's just consummate. You may be young but you won't regret it."

She slowly opened her eyes only to see a slightly handsome teenager, perhaps 13 or 14, half nude. Even she got slightly shocked by that sight and the words she heard. And she fallen so far as to an insignificant mortal could bully her? Definitely not.

She noticed her body was small and hurt all over. She lifted her hands juat to see how small they were probably around 6/7 years old. She had many questions and doubts but she couldn't care less at the moment. First she should get out of here.

As soon as she thought of that, that youth was slowly approaching her.

She tried to circulate ki but couldn't. So she understood that this body shouldn't have cultivated before. So, she started to gather the surrounding ki on her right hand. It was a really insignificant ammount of ki, but as the "Sword Goddess" who had killed countless, how could a lowly mortal that should be only in the beginning of the first level survive.

As soon as he got close enough she slashed at his throat and blood gushed out, he tried to stop it with his hands but another hand slashed at him. He stared at that hateful figure in front of him, his gaze full of hatred and despair.

She couldn't care less about that lowly insect and began carefully making her way out just to notice there was no one around so she began running as fast as she could. Even if she was the "Sword Goddess" she now was a normal little girl with no cultivation to speak of so she could only run away.

A few moments later after she left a few guards came to the house and entered the room just to see the corpse of their young lord laying on the ground.

"Young lord?! Can you hear me, young lord?! Quickly got get the doctor of the clan here and inform the Lord immediately! I don't know how this happened but quickly search for the brat she couldn't have gone far!"

'This body is just too slow. Even if I try to gather ki on my feet to go slightly faster it's almost of no use. The ki seems to be way too sparse here. Could this place be a dying world? And first and foremost, how did I get here? Where is that hateful Xiao Hai? And where is this? There is no dying world around that I know of.'

"Here she is! The little wench is here! She is alone!"

"Capture her and bring to the Lord! She dared to kill the young lord!"

She heard voices full of hatred all around, and she knew she was surrounded. This place seemed to be isolated in the first place so there was no crowd to mix in and even the people that were here and not at the preparation of the celebration were those who had no right to be there. Meaning, the slums.

"What are you running from little brat?" she herd a voice so full of interest on her predicament that she couldn't help but glance at the direction of the voice.