"I have decided to take this brat as my disciple,so what?

It was a voice so graspy that one couldn't help but wonder what that person had for volcal chords.

At the same time she looked the guards caught up to her with menacing looks on their faces full of hatred.

"We of the Li familly thank you for catching that brat, now hand her over!"

"Why would this handsome me do that?" said Liang Chen in a condescending voice.

"You are asking for death old man!" said a burly guard.

"Ol - old - OLD MAN?! How dare you calling me old man?! I am not only the most handsome and amazing person with the most peerless talents in the universe, but I'm also still in the prime of my youth! You deserve death for that blasphemy!" said an angry Liang Chen.

'What is this hooligan even talking about? With his looks any child would start crying just from his face alone. And as for talents there would be no way he is anything amazing, even I with this mortal body can tell how his ki is in complete disarray. And he wouldn't pass as young even if he was 10 years younger." Even as the previous "Sword Goddess" she had never seen someone so narcissists and perhaps blind in her whole life.

" Just stop talking! He is clearly trying to buy time! This must have been the plot of some other clan to strike at our Li Clan it isn't a secret that the Lord doesn't have any other child." said a middle aged guard. Experience could be seen on his face so he must have experienced a lot during his life.

"That's right just capture him alive so that we can interrogate him! Brothers attack all together! Since he is alone at the moment he must be an expert!" said ankther guard.

"You all want to atack me? Oh please, you are not even worthy under normal circumstances of even looking at my overly handsome face with my perfect body, much less attacking me. Well since you are so eager to die, so just die" said Liang Chen in a cold voice.

'While these idiots are fighting I'll just take this chance to run. I won't forget this disgrace that happened here today I will definitely kill this stupid clan one day!'

While she was preparing to take a step to run away she was suddenly frozen in place. Not because someone stopped her but because of what she heard next.

"Young miss stay behind me I will definitely protect young miss with my life! I promised Lord that I would bring you back and so I shall! Even if I have to kill until rivers turn red!" said Liang Chen in a voice full of dignity. But even so she could detect the ridicule underlined in those words as if they said: 'You think you can run? If I go down we go down together brat! Hahahaha!'

"So this was indeed a plot by another clan! Men get into formation and prepare to capture the two of them!" said the middle aged guard.

As soon as they were prepared to atack they heard a voice behind them.


The guards recognized that voice and obeyed immediately. That was their Lord. He was one of the strongest in the Wu Empire and the city was named after his clan as to show the respect he deserved.

"Grandmaster Liang it's an honor to finally meet you. I have heard many great things abou you." said Lord Li while bowing his head towards Liang Chen.

But never in their wildest dreams would they imagine that the man they idolized so much and dreamed of becoming every single day would actually bow down to the hooligan in front of them.

"Oh, someone who knows of me, finally. See idiots, this is how you should have greeted me in the begining." said Liang Chen as he grinned.

'He is actually famous? He definitely seems like a second rate hooligan that would run screaming "I will remember this!"' In a long time this was actually the first time shock appeared on her face. Even if she was in another body she still had her temperament as not only an expert of the highest calibre but also as a cold person close to emontionless even.

"Oh are you that shocked it's only natural that the heavens would give peerless talent along with these amazing looks that can mesmerize everyone!" said Liang Chen in a voice full of self compliment and achivement.

"So anyway why were you following this brat that it actualy got my interest?" said Liang Chen with a puzzled voice full of interest.

"Grandmaster Liang that brat killed my only son cutting off my bloodline. Please let me handle her." said Lord Li.

"Hmmm that will be difficult. I have been searching for a new disciple and I quite like her." said Liang Chen with a face that clearly showed he couldn't care less and wanted to have fun in this matter.

"Grandmaster Liang I have a lot of treasures in my mansion and I'm willing to give them all in trade for that girl." said Lord Li with a black face. He knew he couldn't offend the man ib front of him. If it was someone else he couldn't beat he would use the influence of the Wu Empire, but Liang Chen was different he knew of that battle and he knew the Empire would give him up just to curry favour with the man in front of him.

"Treasures?! Why didn't you say s- cough cough I mean I just can't, I can see this brat as a lot of potential it would be a huge loss for me to do that." said Liang Chen as he rubbed his hands with a vulgar expression on his face.

'This bastard is actually trying to sell me for treasures! What can I do? I will definitely not survive if that guy gets me. My only chance is to get this bastard of an hooligan to take me as a disciple. After that I can think of something.' inpatience was clear on her face as shw gritted her teeth.

Lord Li's face was getting darker and darker.

"Grandmaster Liang I can for many treasures from the royal family the protector admires you greatly so I'm sure he would be willing to give a few treasures to you." said a hopeful and colder Lord Li. He knew he would have to pay a price for this but the royal family wouldn't care either they would win either way. They would curry favour successfully and would get the Li Clan to own them a lot.

Liang Chen's face immediately shone and he was prepared to accept but he heard a hurried and cold voice behind him.

"I am willing to be your disciple and own you my life as long as master helps me!" her face was completely dark as she would never have thought she would have fallen so low as to say these words. Even the word "master" was said after a lot of difficulty and ahe almost could feel on her mouth from tje anger brewing inside her.

After a momment of silence Liang Chen said: "I don't know if I want to take in a disciple that kills people at such a young age you would definitely rebel againts me in the future. And I, Liang Chen have never taken in a rebelious disciple."

At those last words Lord Li almkst coughed blood. The powerful people clearly knew his disciples had all betrayed him and he killed them after showing them despair and destroying their cultivation.

"I just killed him because he was forcing himself on me. Thrash like that deserves thousands of painful deaths." her voice was extremely cold and she gritted her teeth even more she would have never thought the day would come where she would have to justify herself for killing someone.

"That's not true your clan agre-..." said Lord Li hurriedly but before he could finish he felt an extremely powerful aura that made him feel the ilusion of a heavenly spear had manifested and he felt chills all over his body.

"Oh. So that happened. Good. Brat from today onwards you are my disciple. Follow me." said Liang Chen in a cold voice.

"Liang don't push it! So what if my son forced himself on ger she is just a brat and her clan sold her to my Li Clan, so she was ours to begin with." said Lor Li with a voice so cold and so full of hatred that the crowd that had formed from the commotion of the Lord rushing out at full speed felt their backs and their feet going cold.

"I have decided to take this brat as my disciple,so what? said Liang Chen in a and even colder vouce fused with the spear aura made everyone present think a spear was pointed at their necks.