'This bastard! One day I will definitely kill him!'

"Do you know why you are still alive, huh thrash? It is only for my disciple to kill you one day, you and your clan. I couldn't care less if it was just stealing, killing or whatnot. But rape is different. If I let this go my dao heat would be polluted." said Liang Chen.

Lord Li's face was already as cold as it could possibly get. He was infuriated especially after the matter was disclosed in such a loud voice. And he even dared to say that his new disciple, a mere brat was going to kill him and his clan. How infuriating was that?

"Well anyways. I have to show my new disciple her way to her new residence . Don't run because I will find you if you do." said Liang Chen in a threatening voice that reverberated in the air for a long time.

"Brat follow the handsome me back to the house." said Liang Chen in a interested voice.

"Thank you for saving me, F-..."

"I don't care what your name used to be now that you are my disciple I will naturally name you. Who knows if you butter me up I can even give you my familly name heheheh." said Liang Chen.

"So what is my new name?" while clenching her teeth with rage inside her she forcefully stopped herself from insulting the holligan in front of her. This guy actually dared to change the name she was proud of. Even though she was cold on inside and on the outside that didn't mean that she didn't value her parents. They gave her everything and protected her no matter what she did so she was grateful to them for that. After she cultivated in the sword she became colder and colder, so because of that the relationship wither her parents became strained.

She gritted her teeth. She knew that as long as she asked then this guy would let her go, but wouldn't protect her anymore. And besides that bastard surnamed Li was extremely respectful towards him so it was obvious he was an expert. She could use him to get resources and make a comeback.

The two travelled by air obviously it was Liang Chen who enveloped her in his Ki to let her follow him.

At the begining he was expecting her to be surprised so he could brag and perharps encourage her, that would allow him to feel better about the treasured he lost the chance to get. But that didn't happen his new little disciple was like a block of ice which got on his nerves so he purposedly let a bit of wind hit her body and shake her to make it seem like she would fall.

As soon as he did that the person in question who was in deep thought was startled and withouth thinking she let the anger inside her out. "You bastard how dare you try to bully this lady are you courting death?!" she said in a really cold voice wich one could clearly see was mixed with anger.

Liang Chen was startled he knew the little brat was angry and already expected her to burst in anger but never would he have thought she would burst like this.

"You little brat how dare you call me bastard?! And how the hell do you even get the courage to call yourself 'lady' you are just a brat don't flatter yourself!"

"This lady may be small but aren't you flattering yourself by calling yourself handsome either?!"

"How dare you?! Your master is clearly handsome all beauties throw themselves at me and people lower their gazes whenever I am nearby it's clearly because they feel ashamed of their own looks compared to mine!"

"They lower their gazes because of your face but not because you are handsome but because they think your face is scary!"

"Hmph, you know nothing! Your master is unrivalled be it either in talents or looks! Unhindered everywhere and wherever I go there would always be beauties everywhere to greet me! You are just too young to even know about such things so I will let you go just this once but there will be no next time brat! Hmph!"

"How da-..." She was about to speak but was interrupted by Liang Chen's angry voice.

"If you continhe talking don't blame me for losing focus and let you fall!"

'This bastard! One day I will definitely kill him!'