His past

Liang Meng's head at that time froze and she could only feel rage inside of her. She got up and started preparing a formation. This wasn't an ordinary killing formation, instead it was one to send someone to a deep sleep, rhe weaker their mental states the more they woukd sleep. Liang Meng wanted this bastard to learn his lesson so she also mixed in it a formation to mess with his dreams.

After having that she activated them and Liang Chen fell into deep sleep while screaming every now and then.

At the side Chen Xiao was in deep thought and suddenly noded. And said:

"I thought the way you used the spear was familiar but I didn't thought it would actualy be this. Truly interesting. He rarely takes in disciples and the only time he did so was because I told him to. You see this guy seems pretty tough but it's wishy washy as a woman. He can't handle it if someone important to him suddenly leaves. He was probably expecting you to tell him to come with you." he said with a grin.

"It's to gain experience what good would it be if I had someone protecting me?"

"I know. But that bastard will never change. Has he told you about himself?"

"No why would he?"

"I think he should have. He has the worst talent in cultivation I have ever seen you know?"

She was kinda curious about this point. His talent didn't seem that bad. And since he was a rare natural born spear wielder his talent must be somewhat above average. So she couldn't resist and ask.

"What do you mean?"

"Well since you asked let's start from the begining."

He closed his eyes and after takibg a big sip of wine he continued.

"We were alone ever since we remembered, we had no one to depend on other than each other. We are not brothers in blood but we accept each other as such. One day I was on the verge of starvation and when I thought I would die someone offered me food thus saving my life. Later on after much hardship for us to live on we had to do numerous things such as steal.

When we were around your age we could pass as someone older since our bodies were broader than others and our faces were always intimidating so we joined bandits and learned about cultivation there.

That group was secretly owned by the marquis of that place and the leader was his son. The group was a form to teach people qho couldn't normally be dealt with to be thought a lesson. We killed, stole, extorted, and beat people up for about two years until the leader of the group was betrayed by one of his commanders. Since they didn't like some of the rules such as no raping. A few days later the whole group was eliminated by the marquis.

We had long since escaped since we were on the leader's group, since then we went on a journey to learn about cultivation. In the first two years our cultivation increased quite fast until we got to Skin Refining. But after that his cultivation stagnated. No matter what he consumed or what treasures he used it never increased. So I thought that this time it was me who would protect him. He had also lost hope towards reaching the dao, until one day we saw someone who wielded a spear. It was fascinating his spear was invincible and no one escaped his grasp.

So we decided to use the spear as well since we used generic weapons such as the sword or saber. And we were TERRIBLE with them. We used all our money to buy spear manuals and some ordinary techniques.

I was fascinated with the spear. But I was nowhere near as fascinated as he was. He spent the next few months with basically no sleep, food or water just to train basic spear moves. It even got to the point where I couldn't even hear his voice for days. After that his cultivation began increasing once again but it stopped at the next layer. I thought he would once again be heartbroken but to my surprise he didn't care.

Instead he spent an even bigger amount of time with his spear. We went to a mountaintop once to kill a beast and he just sitted at the top of the mountain looking down at his spear with a guqin by his side. He heard a conversation saying that the guqin could make someone even more handsome so he brought one. Don't ask me why.

I just let him be there. I would come back once in a while to see how he was doing. He stood there looking at his spear for about two years. Until one day when I got there there were corpses everywhere some of them at my level while others were below. You have to know that at that time I was at Foundation Building Stage so I was horrified thinking that there was some expert around but I didn't even find a single trace of such an expert. Until I saw that figure still seated by the mountaintop filled with injuries.

But this time when I saw him his spearwas below the guqin that was on his boson. And suddenly he started playing. It was the most horrible thing I had ever heard. Until it suddenly it was the most heavenly music in existence. The heavens at that time trembled and the mountain shock. The Heavenly Dao was descending. It was at that time that the world stopped for a few instants. Pure Dao seeped out of nowhere and both forces started spinning around him.

Suddenly the music strangely enough began to sound like a spear and I could hear the feeling of yearning towards the true dao. And at that moment as if the thos dying world had heard him it actualy gave him its blessing. You know what a World Blessing is right? Its the moment when the world uses its own power to give someone the chance to either reach an higher level of cultivation or to comprehend the True Dao. It was at that time I knew this world was still awake and fighting. After such a long timd it was still here.

When I looked at him again he started practicing normal spear moves and at that time for me there was nothing but that spear in the world. All Ki in the world was following that spear as if it was only natural for it to do so. The world buzzed and the skies shocked and I could feel my own cultivation start to raise slightly. When he woke up he didn't remember anything but practicing the spear and since then his cultivation never stagnated again but it was a slow road for him."

At the story Liang Meng was shocked about the words World Blessing. It was incredibly rare for one to receive such a thing. In the history known until now the individuals who received such a thing could be counted on one hand so ut was shocking for Liang Chen to receive it and even more so when it was from a dying world. Relatively speaking a dying worls dies because it doesn't have any conscience left so to hear it still had it there must have been a really frightening story for this. But for now she didn't have to worry about such a thing.

She simply looked at drunk old man with a frightening face sleeping and seemes to be suffering on his sleep and nodded before getting up and starting to practice her spear arts. At the side Chen Xiao simply watched and sipped his wine with a slight smile on his face.