The feeling she couldn't describe

In the morning Liang Chen woke up and saw Liang Meng still practicing the spear and gave her a few pointers.

Liang Meng was still dissatisfied as to what he had said last night but he was completely evading the topic as if it had never happened.

"Bratty Xiao come here for this daddy to see you." said Liang Chen in a overly arrogant voice.

"Brother Chen good morning to you. I see you have gotten better. I was worried that those formations would get you in an eternal sleep. Aish." said Chen Xiao in a sad voice.

"You sound sad about it? What, do you really want to be known as the best spearman that much? That you don't care about me any longer? Ptui. Come here and fight me then!" said Liang Chen in an angry and arrogant voice.

"No, no,no. I wouldn't dare to show my meagre skill in front of Brother Chen."

"Hmph. Thought so as well. You were ever only good at using the spear to steal. Be it either items or lives. You are a thief thorough and thorough."

"Brother Chen is an hooligan thorough and thorough as well. And besides everyone is burdened if they have too many things even sometimes their lives so as a good person I'm just helping them, relieving them of their worries. I'm such a good person." he said in a humble voice that didn't seem humble at all. Next he continued "While Brother Chen is an hooligan with no moral code." he said in a pitying voice full of worry.

"What do you know brat?! An hooligan represents the dao itself. Killing, plundering and stealing. Those are the principles of the dao. How dare you look down on those?! That's why you will never be as strong as I am. Ptui." said Liang Chen in an ever angry voice and a threatening gaze.

"Brother Chen calm down. Your disciple is here so let's talk about her. I can even teach her a few things."

"Don't you dare. With that worthless talent and that worthless face of yours you would just lead her to the wrong path. And that's final don't say anything else or I'll make you swallow your spear."

"Your face is even worse than mine how can you call my face worthless?!"

"How dare you?! Have you gone blind?! Can't you see this handsome face right in front of you?!"

As they continued arguing Liang Meng at the side felt as if she has heard something she had never expected to hear. The dao is indeed about killing your opponents, plundering ancient sites and graves, and stealing from your oponents be it either techniques or material things.

But she had never associated hooligans with the meaning of the dao. To her it was unthinkable, not only to her but to everyone except this man in front of her.

"Well Brother Chen, I will be taking my leave now. I only came here to see how you were doing. And I'm really surprised. Well thrn farewell."

"Brother Xiao, farewell. Next time we see each other... Let's hope that you don't die early and leave your brothet all alone. And if something happens to me take care of my disciple and send her to where she wishes to go." said Liang Chen with a straight face and a hint of sadness on his voice.

"What do you mean? Well whatever if something happens to you, I your brother Chen Xiao will take revenge for you and take care of your disciple."

The two stared at each other for a while and after doing so Chen Xiao turned around and left.

"... Disciple. Your master doesn't have long to live and I hope that in a few years you go and take your revenge at the town we first meet. And when you do so don't worry about anything else. Also take this. It's a token to enter anywhere in the palace so you won't be attacked. If anything happens at the palace just listen to whatever I have to say and don't talk back to me. Understand?"

Liang Meng had a strange feeling but she couldn't describe it so she just nodded her head, even though he was annoying he had still taken care of her for a few years. This feeling was strange but after for a while as to what it was she gave up on it.

"Well your master won't get in the way anymore but take this first. It contains a full powered strike of mine." he said that as he handed her a translucent orb.

After saying that he left.

Liang Meng simply put the taken and the orb in her pouch. She stopped practicing her spear and continued on her way to go practice in the mountain. Even though only a day had passed, with the cultivation technique she had now after absorbing the energy of the monster core her cultivation had jumped a small layer. So she was getting prepared to make a few more talismans and go kill a few more beasts.