
Many more talismans flew out at them, and more formations appeared, making their time quite literally a living hell.

Liang Meng was engrossed on her formations and talismans and launched them as soon as they were ready. Previously she had not noticed her foundation on formations was quite weak, leading the strongest formations to be weakened.

She had previously subconsciously followed in a path many others had followed. The path that just accepted the previous paths. After all even if her path is quite unique, there had been many who went through it before, so now she wanted to go through a path of change.

This time she would bring these low class formations to their utmost limit, before upgrading them to an higher level. This way as she went in this path, she would be able to produce formations hundreds if not millions of times stronger than before. Even making formations above the legendary Heavenly Class.

But for now she had to kill these people in front of her.

She gripped her spear and used Spear Rain but this timethe spears didn't fall like the rain would, instead they formed a formation while falling, and that formation made the spears grow stronger and sharper.

Her opponent was caught off guard as he was previously being surrounded by beasts that were attracted from nearby because of the noise and Liang Meng's methods, even his companions who were stronger than he was were having a hard time, since these creatures were being unusually stubborn and would fight until death.

It wasn't because they were that kind of beasts, instead it's because Liang Meng used a charm and illusion type formation to charm young creatures and make them attack these people while making the older ones come and fight them.

If it was only that they would retreat after a few were killed, but instead it was because she had used a wind formation to butcher the creatures in a gruesome manner making those beasts being filled with hatred and being more easily controlled by the charm formation.

As that elder was caught off guard he wasn't prepared to defend himself, but even so he was experienced sk he was able to avoid a fatal injury, but he didn't expect that suddenly a talisman appeared on his wound exploding his organs.

This was previously a sword technique but she had decided to fuse this technique into Spear Rain. Making a formation on the outside and a small talisman on the inside.

After she delt this blow she fell back and went back around to attack another opponent. This place was filled with chaos everywhere amd these elder were all in a fight with one againts many, so they could barely even breath much less help another.

Soon Liang Meng reached her opponent and used the spear technique of her Liang Chen, but this time all the spears stabbed out towards the air instead of the opponent, before coming back down shinning with starlight, as if they were made of pure silver.

They froze even the air as they made their way down and at that moment Liang Meng also activated an illusion talisman. That talisman seemed to not have worked, but suddenly a scream sounded out, and Liang Meng's current opponent looked over only to realize that his friend's body was frozen full of spear holes. He had died without even knowing how.

Seeing this he was enraged and disregarded his opponents and rushed at Liang Meng with everything he had, putting even the last bit of his Ki into this attack.


Following the attack that elder was drowned in the beasts attacks and perished without an entire corpse.

The attack hit Liang Meng's body and she was sent flying backwards. He was already close to her and she had barely any time to retreat, she only had time to activate formations and talismans to defend herself. But even so she was riddled with injuries.

Even if she had formations to increase her cultivation and her Ki supply she was after all only at Outer Organs Refining Stage so her defenses were quite feeble in front of this opponent.

She once again hid herself and began taking immediate care of her injuries, before going to ambush another opponent. They had tried to group up, but they were greeted with more beasts and more formation and talismans.

In the end only the Second Elder and the Sect Head survived the attack.

It wasn't because Liang Meng hadn't tried to kill them, but their cultivations were too deep and she was getting exhausted as well. Even with pills to restore her Ki, barely any Ki was restored since she had already taken a lot of them and her body was building resistances againts that pill.

"You little demon you really did it! You really destroyed my Xi Clan! We are finished if we go back now, so we are going to do the same to you now! So, DIE!" these words were filled with infinite hatred and a slight hint of despair. After all the clan had now fallen in his hands after all the work of their ancestors, so how could he not feel despair.

"Like I said a few random street dogs. I don't need anyone's permission to kill them." answered Liang Meng coldly as she panted.

She had almost no energy now and barely any fornations and talismans left after using them like water. She gritted her teeth and prepared to use all the rest of the formations she had.

But before the attack of her opponents connected they suddenly disappeared, and were exchanged by a sturdy figure with disleveled hair and an angry and pained face.

"So the old finally came out! Good! The two of you can die together now!" said Xi Clan Head full of hatred as he prepared to use his strongest attack together with Second Elder.

"You talk too much." said Liang Chen coldly as he simply waved his hand and at that moment it was as if spears came from everywhere and pierced their bodies full of holes. They didn't even know where the attack came from. It was as if the air around them had transformed into spears and killed them.

"And as for you, you spendthrift of a disciple!" his voice was slow and trembling but it conveyed his message quite well as Liang Meng's body slightly trembled a little and she also retreated.

"Don't think you can run!"

"It was only a little bit od resources what are you so mad at?"

"A little bit?! It was years of accumulations of many clans! Do you think clans that piss me off grow on trees or what?! Now I have to harden my face and go collect some protection fees! This is the job of a disciple not mine!"

"What do you mean its my job?! Do you want to die that much?!"

"You finally said it you treacherous disciple! See how this handsome master teaches you a lesson!"

Suddenly a voice came to interrupt them.

"If the two of you are done then let's leave I don't like such a place." said Chen Xiao with a straight face.

"You Bratty Xiao leave all of the spoils of war here and don't make beat you up!"

"What do you mean?! I killed their strongest otherwise do you think this brat would survive?!"

"If you killed I could do so too!"

"Hmph! So what I did it first!"

"Do you want a beating?!"

"Bring it on little hooligan!"

"You darn small tinny thief! Watch as this daddy here beats you black and blue!"

"Come here then let this granddaddy beat you until you cry like a woman!"

At the side Liang Meng was feeling embarrassment on top of exhaustion.

After a while they stopped arguing and Liamg Chen hurrumphed and talked to Liang Meng.

"Disciple. While I look down on any and all techniques and methods besides the spear, that is only my path and not yours. So whatever method and path you choose master will always feel it to be right and will always be at your side. So lift up your head and look up towards your path and not the past. I also look forward to seeing it."

"Yes..." she had unsaid words but decided to hold onto them for now.