Preparing to resolve all grudges

Liang Chen knew that by saying such a thing there wouldn't be an extraordinary effect but for now it would alleviate his heart slightly.

"Anyways Bratty Xiao won't you take us to the inner region of this forest? I can feel some danger there so it won't be bad for my experimental training?" his glimmered with hope as he said that. But Chen Xiao's next word crushed it.

"No." said Chen Xiao with a resolute voice and a straight face. "Even if it's Brother Chen no one can enter that place even I can't sometimes."

Liang Meng was stunned at that. How could he enter with his cultiva... As she was finishing her thoughts she thought back as to how could he have ever be in Foundation Building Stage at such an young age back then. It was normal for a genius in the upper worlds, but here? Impossible. Unless things were not what they seemed like.

"Brother Chen don't make things difficult for this brother here." said Chen Xiao with an awkward smile on his face. "Let's not talk about this topic anymore."

"But I'm a poor person with nothing to give to my dear disciple, so I can only rely on Brother Xiao to give me and my disciple something..."

"You bully! How dare you ask me of such thing!" he said with an indignated face as if he was a wife who was just bullied as he threw over a storage bag to Liang Meng. "Brat don't give anything to that idiot over there, he doesn't know the worth of those things and just treats them as thrash or common goods!" he said with a pained voice as he tried to stop his reaching hand that was trying to take the bag back.

"Resources are meant to be used, why save them? And besides I have rarely ever used them in the first place." retorted Liang Chen.

"Yes, but when you use them, you certainly don't hold back at all. And these are all medicines that are almost extinct."

"Well whatever. Just give them to my disciple, I don't need any anyways."

After discussing for a while, and waiting for Liang Meng to stabilise her injuries, they departed back to the half destroyed mansion.

Liang Meng was still thinking about the previous issue, but couldn t connect anything at all. Based on her senses that danger in the depths of that forest was incredible. Perhaps even stronger than her previously. But how could it be sealed in this place and not act up? Could it be that it was dead, or in a death like state or was it being watched a restricted to a certain extent? She felt that the true scheme of things just couldn't be seen. And by the looks of it this old man Chen Xiao in front of her was definitely involved in this.

She shook her head and decided to forget about the issue for now. Only if she was strong enough would she worry about such thing.

After resting for a few days and recovering from her injuries with pills and meditation she could feel an increase in her abilities and cultivation. And most of all the biggest gain this time was her decision to further improve her previous path of formations and talismans.

For a few months she decided to undergo closed door cultivation and try out a lot of things she had never thought of before.

Liang Chen simply stood in the rooftop of the mansion as he gazed over at the room she was staying at with a smile on his face. He had watched the fight of his disciple and he definitely could tell that her path towards the dao was more complicated than his in a certain sense. While his path was straight forward like a spear, her path was destines to be full of hardship, with creation and improvements all over it.

But he felt that it suited his disciple's personality, cold and merciless to both enemies and herself. After a while he could not help but sigh again and showing a strange expression with grief all over it as he thought about the future; that he would no longer be able to accompany his disciple in her path. After a while his expression returned to normal and he thought that this too was part of destiny. He could feel that their meeting was definitely prearranged in some sort. He never felt anyone was suitable to receive his teachings and she needed someone's teachings and inspiration the most.

"What are you gazing there for? She is still young and I hope Brother Chen will not do anything..." said Chen Xiao with a strange and serious expression.

"Do you want a beating Bratty Xiao?! Hmph! You are as stingy as ever. Why didn't you give her a few of your pills?" he said with an angry voice before turning it into a serious one.

"The same reason why you don't tell her the truth." he retorted.

"She needs a lot of growth. She is definitely still green in some ways and better in than us in others." said Liang Chen with a solemn expression.

"Indeed. The formations she showed previously were only low level and medium level formations, but even so they were improved a lot during the battle. I won't question where you got such a treasure but I hope you will still go with our previous arrangement."

"Yes I will. You are my Brother so I will gladly give you my place. And besides you are smarter than me, so you deserve it."

"Brother... Like I said before I will never forget about what you have done for me. In the future I will definitely repay your kindness." he said with a few unshed tears in his eyes.

"Like I said, there is no need. I onlt hope that when the time comes you will help my little disciple."

"That's a given."


While this conversation was unfolding, Liang Meng who was in the middle of her seclusion suddenly left with a freezing face.

"What is it disciple?"

"My heart can't calm down. So I will go and resolve all enmities before continuing my seclusion."

"You are not strong enough yet. You have to first breakthrough to Ki Stabilization Stage. That way you will have a few more tricks up your sleeve."

After she thought for a while she nooded her head. If she indeed went to get revenge now by herself, she would definitely lose. So she needed an higher cultivation realm. And Ki Stabilization Stage is enough to let her use formations more easilly and freely as well.

So, it was time to resolve all grudges.