His Spear Dao (1)

That was a dragon's roar. And it seemed that there was a sense of familiarity from that voice. Liang Chen immediately knew what was happening. The Dragon Elder was not able to either recover the corpse or the blood, and so they made this. A golden dragon that seemed to surpass Dantian Solidification Realm, since its aura was simply unfathomable and it made Liang chen hinself feel goosebumps all over his body.

'It really is powerful. Can that bastard hold it?' Liang Meng was a little worried.


This time it wasn't the dragon that roared, instead it was Liang Chen. His face was completely filled with killing intent, hatred and nostalgia.

"You really deserve death. I shouldn't have let any of you go back then." even though he was feeling all that his voice was still calm.

"So die." as soon as he said that he vanished. When he reappeared he was behind the rest of the Wei people. He stabbed forward. It seemed a simple move, a really slow and normal move but it made all those with high cultivation tremble in fear. There was no opening to force your way out or to avoid it.

As he stabbed forward the Wei people either tried to run or defend, but everything and anything thay stood in that spear's path seemed to be made out of paper. The spear stabbed through all treasures and all defense techniques.

Liang Chen turnes towards Liang Meng and said "Disciple watch closely. I will show you a part of my Dao."

As he finished saying that, that spear disappeared and all of the Wei people's bodies suddenly had numerous spear holes in their bodies. Under that pressure the spear in his hands could not hold any longer and transformed into powder.

Liang Chen looked towards it and nooded. He then waved his right hand and a silver light came from Liang Meng's eyebrows and a spear appeared in his hand.

At this sight Liang Meng was surprised. She had always felt safe no matter the situation, or at least never felt a complete fatal threat. Even when she examined her body she did not feel anything wrong. And the question that was plaguing her mind when did he put his spear in her soul and how did she never notice it?

Liang Chen at this moment didn't care about any of that. He turned to face that gigantic dragon in the sky that was rushing towards him. His face showed grief but he knew he had to kill it. He sighed and pointed his spear towards it.

He then flew towards the dragon, to be more exact he seemed to teleport. When he reappeared there seemed to be only a spear, a silver spear that had a dragon like image from one tip to the end of the other.

There seemed to be only that spear in this world. Everything else seemed to be replaced by that spear. But it did not make everyone worship it, instead it made everyone kneel in front of it. That spear seemed to be basking in the sunlight, ignoring that dragon. The dragon stopped and looked towards that spear with a slight fearful expression.

Liang Chen took a deep breath and the grief in his face disappeared, being replaced by his normal arrogant face.

He looked at the dragon and stabbed at it. The dragon used its claws againts the spear.


The attacks collided and space seemed to be torn appart for an instant. The two went a few steps back.

Liang Chen stabbed towards the sky and the sky seemed to be replaced by spears. Those spears suddenly fused into a single one and it disappeared appearing again in the dragon's body.


Blood splashed everywhere and a painful cry sounded about.

At the same time the dragon took a deep breath a spewed endless flames towards Liang Chen.

Liang Chen pointed his spear towards the flames and charges at it. Endless Spear Ki came from his body and his spear teared the flames appart at an increasing rate.

The dragon suddenly attacked with its claws and Liang Chen stopped tearing the flames, leaving the Spear Ki stopping the flames, positioned the spear above his head and defended againts the claws.

He grunted and blood leaked from his mouth. He started screaming at the top of his lungs and the endless Spear Ki transformed into a spear that destroyed the flames and stabbed towards the dragon. The dragon had to give up his attack and dodge that spear, only to receive one towards his right eye. That spear seemed to know exactly where it would be and was waiting for it there.


The dragon roared and Dragon Ki appeared around it. That spear struggled againts the Dragon Ki for a while before being repelled.