His Spear Dao (2)

Liang Chen went two steps back. He looked towards that dragon and excitement appeared on his face. It had been a long while since he had found a worthy opponent.

He gripped his spear harder than before and for the first time he got into a spear stance. His Spear Ki seemed to be excited as well as it became sharper than ever, even the air seemed to transform into invisible spears as small cuts began appearing on the Dragon Ki.

Liang Meng became serious and put all her effort to watch this battle, even creating formations to save the battle.

Liang Chen rushed forward and made a stabbing motion. The dragon was about to deflect the attack with a claw when Liang Chen spun around that claw with a swooping motion from his spear and stabbed towards the dragon. The Dragon Ki tried to stop it but it was as if it made little to no difference.


The dragon roared once again and a golden barrier appeared around it.



The spear made contact with the barrier and the barrier was destroyed but Liang Chen was repelled back.

At the same time the dragon seemed to become furious as it started spewing flames everywhere. Buildings were destroyed and many were killed or turned to ashes.

Seeing this Liang Chen made another spear stance and suddenly disappeared, reappearing close to the dragon as he was stabbing forward. At the same time it seemed as if the had form as it began to attack the dragon, Spear Ki grew ferocious and the whole town was surrounded. The flames were insufficient to destroy that barrier, seeing this the dragon only focused on the threat in front of it.

The dragon swipped his tail and all the wind was scattered.

Liang Chen scoffed and he pointed his spear at the sky.

The sky was instantly filled with gigantic holes and from them seemed to come an infinite number of spears. The dragon sent his Dragon Ki to stop those spears, but could only get halfway before the spears stopped and rushed towards Liang Chen, at the same time the close by river stopped and floated towards Liang Chen.

In Liang Chen's hands everything was a spear, but not everything could handle his ferocious Ki.

The river went towards the spears and Liang Chen made a gripping motion. The water and the spears fused and those illusory spears seemed to become real as they now rushed towards the dragon but this time the Spear Ki could not handle the pressure.

The dragon also seemed to become serious as now the flames turned black.

Those flames melted and evaporated the spears.

But the flames also showed signs of wavering.


The spears and the flames exploded sending the two back a couple steps.

Liang Chen frowned. This dragon had a more powerful cumtivation than his so he needed to kill it fast with a single attack.

Liang Chen retreated a couple meters and took a deep breath.

A blood red spear came from the sky, but instead of the demons on it there were gods of death ready the reap all souls on their path. Wherever it passed through all life showed signs of retreating. At the same time a godly spear also appeared and all those present had the urge to worship it. The two spears fused and completely ordinary spear half blood red, half golden came about.

At the same time the dragon seemed to understand Liang Chen's meaning as it also roared and its body begun to become more and more transparent. But the back flames this time became half white, half black. This was a characteristic of true dragon flames that could even burn souls.


A world shacking boom sounded about and even the Spear Ki barrier surrounding the town showed signs of wavering.

The two attacks continued colliding as the two began to scream/roar at the top of their lungs.

The remnants of the black and white flames landed on Liang Chen's body as it melted his clothes and even his robust skin. He showed a pained expression but seemed to remember something and put on a cool expression as if there was nothing wrong.

On the other hand the already transparent dragon's body after receiving that spear began to collapse with a world shacking roar of unwillingness.

While Liang Chen's injuries seemed normal but he was in fact quite injured, since he put his all on that last attack and let down all defenses to only focus on attacking, so those flames melted even a part of his organs before he stoppes them with his Spear Ki.

He sighed once again with an expression of grief. But soon he smiled and sighed again. His heart seemed to be ligher as if a heavy burden was lifted off.

On the ground Liang Meng was shaken by that spear that had such power and was so full of changes and even contrary origins.

She saw Liang Chen's injuries as he landed on the ground with a smug expression and throwed a few pills towards him.

Seeing this Liang Chen smiled wryly.

"Disciple focus on comprehending this battle for now. I'm going to go and kill of Hei something or whatever their name was."

As he said that he threw the pills into his mouth and began to cultivate as he flew through the sky.