His Spear Dao (3)

Liang Chen flew slowly as he continued cultivating to recover his injuries. At the same time news about what had happened at the auction house spread.

This was the first time they had seen something with a cultivation that high. From how the body faded it was obvious that it was not its real body, but perhaps something formed out by dark methods, or the Wei Kingdom is much more terrifying then what people had expected.

News of how Liang Chen killed it also spread. Before because he rarely appeared and when he did appear it wad to collect "protection fees" the higher ups covered those occasions despite the headaches they had.

Meanwhile Liang Meng was in a room meditating on what she had seen and was also repeating it on her head as well as the formations. She sensed that she had vaguely seen the outline of Liang Chen's Dao. It was straight forward like a spear with infinite sharpness full of changes and opposites. But they did not conflict, instead they blended together and formed the faint image of a unique Dao in all of history.

Many had fused opposites before, but not many have succeeded in creating a unique road with them.

Liang Chen simply used his spear to kill, so that's why he was able to have such an abundant bloodthirst and because he did not stop killing until the whole clan or sect behind it were eliminated he was able to comprehend the way of the devil. It wasn't an overly difficult Dao to understand, but he took a different approach to it. Usually the Killing Dao was to kill without scrupulous even not caring for bystanders, the only difference is that he does not kill those not involved if they don't ask for it, but he also took the approach of instead of using the demons images to kill he made them his part of his spear.

On the other hand because his spear is so dazzling that it can even move dao hearts and even a world. He got insight into the Heavenly Dao and formed a technique or perhaps an aura in his spear that let others be "enlightened". All in all if you move someone's dao heart it could affect their entire cultivation so this was an incredibly powerful technique.

Just this alone was incredible, even more so at his cultivation level. It has to be known that the only ones who can reach such standards to enlighten others have incredibly high level of cultivation and are ecen close to becoming gods themselves. So at his punny cultivation level to do something like this proves that his talent in the spear was true and unmatched.

The way he fuzed thise two complete opposite methods was even more interesting. Although she hasn't understood everything in it yet she was already greatly benefiting from it.

She begun to change formation revolving demons to transform them into spirits to be used as weapons and perhaps to form a new type of elemental formation.

After she was finished digesting those she began to try and understand where that spear was. Especially because that spear rushed into the center of her eyebrows when the battle finished.

She began to explore her soul, body and even her dantian only to find nothing. Then she took a different approach. When you get an higher cultivation realm you can open a mind palace to store spiritual items, such as special types of elements, a type of treasure that can protect you at a certain time among others.

Unfortunately she was not able to open it just yet so she had no way to check it just yet.

She sighed as she got up and yet again continued to get busy with her formations.