Destruction of the Wei Kingdom (1)

As for Liang Chen he was on his way to eliminate the Wei Kingdom since they had "broken their promise" even though he was the one who basically forced then to come out, but even so they did appear in front of him and that was all that mattered to him.

And they actually even dared to use a sinister method to create and cultivate his dead friend so no matter who got in the way now, there was no way to stop him. Even though his spear was made from the dead body of his friend that was the gift of the Dragon Race since they were thankful to him and it was the wish of his dead friend to accompany him on his adventures even in death.

He still remembered when they met. They had instantly become friends aftet they both became drunk and began fighting to the death like mortals over a piece of dried bread for whatever reason their drunken selves only knew why. After they were both half dead they recovered some clearance and bounded like no other.

Such a friend was very difficult to come by, so today the Wei Kingdom was done for. And to make it clear and to get the point across he even used his Spear Ki on the way there to make a ruckus everywhere he passed by and since he was going there slowly there was a huge crowd behind him.

He was also going to clean house on the powerful clans and sects that were in the kingdom since they basically belonged to the Wei and that was no secret nowadays since they had so many spies in the higher level of management and without them the clan would be crippled for who knew how long so those clans had to surrender since if they were crippled they would be dead in the next second. It was either cooperation or annihilation. It was an easy choice.

In the Wei Kingdom all the higher ups were afraid and it was chaos. They still remembered what happened last time and now that guy was even more powerful and he had even killed their secret weapon now along with a few ancestors and elders.

They sighed and began preparing to fight to the death. Even if they ran there was no way for them to survive since they foundation was here and their ancestors only had so long to live. If they appeared again who knew if that monster would be there again to hunt them. So they bet everything on what they had and decided to fight to the death.

It was night now and Liang Chen simply stopped. He removed a meal from his storage bag and drank a few cups of wine and went to sleep. The experts and juniors that were following him in the distance were quite surprised and had strange expressions on their faces.

Even though there were cultivators that slept once in a while, that was only to clear their minds, and this was clearly not the time to do something like this, especially if its in the middle of a grudge, or in this case for the spectators a show.

Even though they were quite dissatisfied they could do nothing but wait if they wanted to see the show. A few even went ahead to get a "first row seat".

In the morning Liang Chen resumed his travel. In the afternoon he arrived at the Wei Kingdom that was on full alert, full of active formations, medicine cauldrons here and there prepared to give medicine to the injured and soldiers everywhere, basically every inch of the wall was full of soldiers.

Seeing this Liang Chen simply coldly snorted and made a spear out of Spear Ki and stabbed towards the air in front of him and fornations started shocking. Formation masters appeared with their guards and disciples to take control of formations.

The soldiers raised their bows and at the command of their commander they began shooting at Liang Chen.

Countless arrows made of steel and infused with Ki came flying at him, and seeing this Liang Chen simply swooped his spear and the arrows dispersed as if they didn't even dare to get close to him.

Liang Chen this time stabbed towards the formation masters and the formations crumbled and those controlling them coughed blood from the sudden impact and immediate destruction of the formations. The guards steppes forward and the formation masters and their disciples began retreating to take control of more formations and consume medicine for their injuries.

Liang Chen didn't even glance at the guards coming at him. He simply pushed his right hand forward and clenched it into a fist and all the guards were suddenly full of spear holes and fell into the ground, to never breath again.