Destruction of the Li Clan

Liang Chen carried Liang Meng with his Ki and began flying towards Li Town.

Along the way Liang Meng began preparing formations and talismans as well as preparing herself to quickly lay down restriction formations along with killing ones and a formation to stop anyone from leaving.

Soon they arrived at their destination and saw a bustling town with people everywhere in the roads, being the only location where it wasn't the case at the Li Clan Residence that was eerily quiet.

Liang Meng busied herself by laying formations everywhere. Even though people were curious about what she was doing they didn't dare ask because of Liang Chen's appearance since his face was with an arrongant and cold expression that gave the people the feeling that if they approached them they would be killed on the spot.

After a few minutes Liang Meng was done with her formations and lookes towards the Li Residence and pointed at it. Suddenly countless talismans appeared from nowhere and flyed towards it. Anyone who saw it felt a disaster was about to ensue.


All kinds of noises appeared and the wildly bustling town immediately turned quiet.

"Argh!" "No!"

Screams of pain, despair and fear spread out from the Li Residence.

"Who dares to attack my Li Clan?!" a scream full of fury and killing intent spread about and the figure of the Li Lord came flying out. The difference was that now he looked as if he had aged countless times. His hair was completely gray and his figure was messy as if he had lost all will to live. Clearly losing his only son back then affected him a lot and he didn't recover at all.

As the Li Lord flyed he immediately saw the perpetrators. He immediately recognized one of them being Liang Chen and it took him a while to link the cute little girl with a completely cold face full of murderous intent to the little girl of back then.

He immediately knew what they were here for. Clearly they were here for revenge. What could he do? He couldn't even last a single move under Liang Chen's hands much less fight him.

"This is a grievance between my disciple and you so I won't interfere." said Liang Chen in a cold voice.

Lord Li's face immediately lit up. He couldn't kill Liang Chen but he could kill the brat. If Liang Chen didn't interferw than he would definitely be able to kill her.

He cupped his fists towards Liang Chen and grabbed his sword as he rushed to kill Liang Meng.

A formation suddenly appeared around the town and nobody could enter or leave Li Town any longer.

Seeing this Lord Li frowned, but seeing it wasn't a dangerous formation he ignored it.

Seeing this Liang Meng scoffed and begun activating formations. Countless formations lit up and all kinds of attacks came about. Be it either elements, illusions, creatures or charm, they were all there. There were even formations that were designed based on the battle of Liang Chen againts the dragon. Although it wasn't nearly as powerful it served as a foundation to make a powerful formation with the same concept.

And although conscious or not there were traces of sword attacks, although she had avoided it with the best of her abilities it was still present. It could not be avoided. She had used the sword for so long it had become almost an instinct to use the sword as reference and as a basis.

Seeing this Liang Chen sighed and a flash of pity crossed his eyes before he rapidly shook his head to disregard all of the negative thoughts. He had to believe in his disciple, or who else would?

Seeing all of these attacks coming at him a chill went through Lord Li's spine as he began using his full strenght to destroy them and to gain enough time to send his thoughts to get help.

Soon enough a formation that occupied to whole town shone and Lord Li's strength began to rise. And a few old men came out of the Li Residence and started to attack and disrupt Liang Meng's formations.

Seeing this Liang Meng simply ignored it and activated more formations and a few formations that occupied several corners of the town shone and the protective formation of Li Town began rumbling.

How couldn't Liang Meng see such a simple formation. She had long since prepared counter measures in place.

Lord Li's face turned even more serious and the few old men rushed to destroy those formations.

As they rushed there talismans came at them from everywhere and injured them and they dodged to the side to avoid further attacks and activated defense techniques. Just when they thought that they were safe a formation appeared above each of them and they didn't even have time to know how they died before a spear that resembled a sword full of the might of the elements killed them.

"No!" seeing his elders die Lord Li screamed. Those were the backbone of the clan and they died just like that.

"You are next."

He heard Liang Meng's emotionless voice and shuddered.

Suddenly the protective formation of the Li Town was destroyed and Lord Li suffered internal injuries because of it since he was linked with the formation.

"Die." he once again heard Liang Meng's emotionless voice and was completely filled with fear this time.

All kinds of formations appeared once again and ralismans came to aid them and they all attacked Lord Li.

After the concentrated attacks there wasn't even a a single drop of blood of him left.

She didn't stop there, she said she would destroy the Li Clan and those were exactly her intentions. All of the formations and talismans targeted all of the Li Clan's disciples. Soon there wasn't even a single one left alive.

Seeing this Liang Meng deactivated all the formations and went to Liang Chen's side.

Not hearing anything from her Liang Chen didn't speak either and only carried her with his Ki back to his own residence.