Visiting the Dragon Clan

When they arrived back at the palace Liang Chen looked towards Liang Meng for a brief second and nooded. Then he said "Prepare yourself, tomorrow we are going to visit a friend."

After he said that Liang Meng looked at him with suspicion. Did he even have any otber friend other than Chen Xiao? Then she remembered what he told her previously. That he had gotten dragon meat from somewhere, although it was a variant one it was still something rare even in the worlds above.

Then she made her into the palace and went to her room, the one she had previously cultivated in for four years.

Soon it was the next day. As the sun rose Liang Meng left her room, and went to the door of the palace, there she saw Liang Chen already waiting for her.

"Good, you are here. Let's go."

Liang Chen was wearing clean clothes unlike every other time she had ever seen him, which surprised her.

Soon they made their way by walking to the edge of the mountain and Liang Chen slashed at his finger and blood dropped out, as soon as it did it disappeared and then their surroundings blurred and they appeared in a cave.

As soon as Liang Meng looked around she found out that there was actually statues of mighty dragons that gave off incredible aura and more impressive was that they were actually arranged in a formation which greatly surprised her. This was a very high level formation.

"What are you doing here Liang Chen?"

Liang Meng looked towards the direction of the voice and saw an old man wirh ordinary appearance and ordinary clothes.

"Elder, it's always good to see you. You are as lively as ever." said Liang Chen with a silly expression wirh the intent to curry favor. He not only bowed but even showed respect. This completely stunned Liang Meng.

"You stupid boy. What do you want?" said the elder with an angry expression.

"Disciple come greet your elder. Elder this girl here is my disciple Liang Meng."

The elder looked at him suspiciously and then said "Girl if he kidnapped you tell me now and I'll beat him up and bring you home."

"Elder?! What are you saying?! How can you think of me like that?!"

"How can I not think like that?! With your looks kids her age would run terrified of you!"

"What are you talking about? My handsome face appears in their dreams and is the very sign of perfection!"

The elder shivered at this man shamelessness. "Do you even look yourself in the mirror?"

"Of course. Everyday!" he said with a proud smile.

"..." the elder had nothing else to say.

"So this is the girl you came here to get dragon meat for? The other elders wanted to teach you a lesson because of that. You should thank me."

"Hmph, as if I'm afraid of those idiots with a foot on their graves."

The elder simply shook his head.

"Come girl. Get away from that thing." the elder said with a look of disgust for his shamelessness.

Liang Chen ignored him and continued walking with a smile on his face.

After a long walk in the cave that stretched for who knows how long the elder spoke again.

"I heard you killed the bastards who killed my son."

"Yes. They dared to appear in front of me again after I told them not to do so ever again."

"I see, then they deserved it."

By the side Liang Meng understood a few more things.

Aftet that conversation finished it became once again quiet. After walking for a while more they arrived at a huge door that gave the impression that they were facing an invincible monster full of vitality but was in deep deep sleep at the moment, ready to attack at any moment.

This shocked Liang Meng even more since the door was made from materials that had only been heard of in legends and was filled with formations that could not be traced back in time, but were still with full efficiency.

"Little girl once inside don't cause trouble. Because even if you are Liang Chen's disciple we will throw you out." the elder said qith a serious face.

Liang Meng nooded.

The elder injected his Ki into the door and it shone a piercing light and oppened.