The feeling of despair and of loss

As soon as it was opened and boundless Ki hit their faces, it was as if it really had a physical form. This completely startled Liang Meng. Since the world outside barely had any Ki, then why would so much Ki be here?

Seeing her puzled face the Elder awnsered her. "The Ki here is like this because it is needed to be like this. You definitely aren't normal since you know formations and that idiot only knows the spear. Cultivation doesn't end at the legendary realm of gods." Saying that he said nothing else and continued to walk forward.

Liang Meng took in a lot of information just from these simple words. She could tell that this world wasn't normal, from the curse on Liang Chen to the dragon statues it was extraordinarily incredible. This world was must likely a holy land of cultivation in the past, but something happened and it ended like this, a decaying world that was probably already forgotten for all eternity.

As they continued forwars they began to see a few people walking around. However they were all of high cultivation realms, way above Liang Chen's, and they were unaffected by the worls laws that stopped anyone above Dantian Solidification Realm from being here for long. This only further increased Liang Meng's suspicions.

Those people all looked towards Liang Chen and made the middle finger or simply slowly slashed their throats with a finger. To which Liang Chen only spat on the ground and said "Disciple, see, this is what is called all bark and no bite. Hehehe. They all lost badly to me a few years back and now they can only use their cultivation to bully me."

Those people after hearing this hurrumphed and continued to walk.

A few years in here was enough for them to breakthrough a few realms or at least a realm if their talent was bad. So they were most likely on Liang Chen's cultivation realm now.

This was clearly not the first time Liang Chen was here, which greatly perplexed Liang Meng. Why didn't he stay here to cultivate then?

The Elder once again answered her. "Only our dragon race can cultivate here, all others are stopped from absorving the Ki in here. Otherwise during the long years we would have brought the talents that appeared in the world inside here."

Liang Meng nooded slightly.

"Come, follow me. I will bring you to see a friend." the elder said with a smirk which didn't fit his old face at all.

The two followed and soon they arrived at a room with a golden door that was once again filled with formations. Liang Meng could tell that a few were used to stop sound and divine sense, but she didn't even recognize the majority of them. But judging from the others, they should all be to stop eavesdropping.

As they got closer to the door, the door oppened and inside were illusory figures sitted on chairs that gave them an unique aura and in one of them was someone that both of them knew very well. It was actually Chen Xiao.

Liang Meng frowned as to why he would be in here since he didn't seem to fit at all in here. But looking at Liang Chen and seeing him as normal it looked like he already knew a few things.

Seeing Liang Chen, Chen Xiao immediately greeted him.

Those illusory figures looked torwards Liang Chen and frowned. The atmosphere got a bit heavy because of it. Noticing this Chen Xiao frowned and asked "What is it seniors? This is my good brother Liang Chen and his disciple Liang Meng. I have already told you about them, there is no need to look at them like that."

"Not that. We can see what you saw on him. You were even willing to let him take your place to go to other worlds, even though you know it only happens once per disciple."

Hearing this Liang Chen got a bit irritated towards Chen Xiao. He had told him that he could go whenever he wanted, and that he could give him his plce, but never had he told him that he only had one chance. Back then he had refused because he felt something odd, and now he knew what it was, this brat lied to him, but even so he still felt warmth in his hearth, knowing that his best friend and brother would give him such an opportunity like that.

"Seniors!" Chen Xiao shouted with an irritated and angry tone

"What are you getting angry at, hmm? You know very well it only happens once and for that to happen a huge sacrifice has to be made by all forces along with many resources, which even though some still grow on the dephs of the world, they are not many. And besides he could only go there for 10-20 years and then he would be called back. During that time how much could he accomplish, and how much could you accomplish. Remember our goal. To protect this world and all lives in the universe at all cost. If that seal is weakened more than it has already been, what do you think will happen?"

Hearing all this Chen Xiao felt a bit guilty for

having spoken like that. He knew he was lucky to have been born with his bloodline and he knew these forces only took a single disciple every few hundred years, and he also knew the heavy burden that they all beared, none could understand or imagine it.

"And besides. We looked at him like that because he was cursed by that stupid dagger. We thought it was destroyed back then but it seems like it wasn't."

"What do you mean senior?" Chen Xiao asked in surprise and a bad feeling began to enter his heart.

"Basically he will die in a few years. That dagger was originally a very powerful artifact, but after that war and the passage of time it has withered, but apparently not dissapeared yet."

"What do you mean he only has a few years to live?!" he could no longer keep his calm and screamed ferociously.

Then he looked at Liang Chen, who in turn smilled wryly at him with an apologetic expression.

He then knew that it was real.

"Is there no way to save him?!"

"Unfortunately, no. Even back then we knew nothing of that dagger and now we know even less with the passage of time." one of the illusory figures said.

"That, that can't be. Liang Chen didn't you say we were going to invade other worlds and do as we wanted?! That we would live a fulfilling life and die of old age?! Was that a lie?!" he could no longer keep his calm and tears of despair and sadness began to drop.

When there was no one else, Liang Chen took care of him. He cared more about him that himself even. He would give him anything, as he would do the same for him. But now his only true friend only had a few years to live. How could he tolerate that?