Unparalleled formations

Formations that could only be used by certain races. They were extraordinary most of the times, being the formations that define that race and that protects them.

For example, the humans in the world above made formations in collaboration, looking to no expanse since that formation at a crucial time could save their race from a disaster. At that time all gods personally came and incorporated in it all their secret methods and techniques. And the method to control it was only known to the top forces that swore a pact to never use it for personal benefit, only using it if the human race was facing extinction.

But that was most of the times. There were formations that were quite literally trash and could only be used by certain races.

Liang Meng still did not have the chance to see that formation in the world above, since she was still perfecting her dao, so she still had not gained the right to do so.

So she was excited to be able to see those formations. If she could study them to a profound level, even if she could not use them, she could make wondrous formations that would only hit a clan and not affect anyone else, or even an entire race. How amazing was that? She didn't even need to be there, she only needed to make the formation elsewhere and then send it towards the place she wanted it to hit.

Thinking of it she was even more fired up just from imagining that bastard Xiao Hai's face when countless formations hit his clan and only killed those close to him, be it either formations to cripple them or to make them feel unbearable pain. Just thinking of it she hurried her pace as she followed the dragon senior.

Seeing this Liang Chen sighed. She was definitely thinking of something weird.

As Liang Meng followed him he suddenly spoke to her.

"Young lass I have seen you use your formations and I know that lass Chen definitely didn't teach you that. Everyone has their secrets and I won't force you to tell me anything. The only reason I am letting you even see the formations is because I feel pity for that lass. Being born in this world under this circunstances and we can't even send him away to another world to cultivate. He was born in wrong period of time. Sigh. If only he was born under different circumstances or in another world, the universe would witness a star so bright that all would be ashamed of even looking at him. Now that his days are numbered and for some reason he seems to trust you I will do him this favor since he avenged my son. So don't let him down."

Hearing this Liang Meng frowned slightly, but she understood. After all which race was even willing to let an outsider even see their secrets willingly? As for Liang Chen she also agreed with him. If he was born in another worls, perhaps his spear would illuminate all living beings like the ancient gods did. An incredible and unreachable fit that none could even think of doing.

As she followed him they reached a small building that a few young dragons were seen walking around. As they spotted the dragon senior they all bowed and said "We greet Race Leader." Now she understood why he could make such decisions.

As they looked towards Liang Meng they were curious. It was their first time seeing someone from the human race so they were all full of curiosity.

When Liang Meng entered she was greeted with formations that seemed to have physical form. Just one look at them made one think that they were looking at an invincible dragon that could with a single bite destroy an entire world. Another formation made one think that space and time was an illusion and made them feel very relaxed, so relaxed that they would probably even forget their surroundings and not even feel when they died.

There was a myriad of formations and they were all extraordinary.

"The ones who made these formations were incredible. Their dao is one of a kind, unparalleled anywhere. How could a world with auch characters even end up in such a state?" she couldn't help but say that in a low voice full of shock. She believed to have seen alnost everything, but who could have thought that the dying world she had looked down on before was actually a nest of incredible characters that were so powerful that with just a single one of these formations would be enough to scare anyone from the worlds above, probably even making them running for their lives.

She couldn't help but slightly tremble at the thought that there was actually something in this world that was sealed and did not die from a direct confrontation with such a world. If the world was like this at the moment from an ancient era that was probably already forgotten by all, then how amazing was that era?

She began to study these formations and even reading the books that she found near them and was completely flabbergasted. She had material in here that could last her decades. Some of these formations touched topics so profound that just reading about them made her feel an headache. She could only do her best to memorize everything and burn the images and changes of these formations into the depths of her soul.

Time really seemed an illusion when one was doing what they enjoyed. It had been so long since she had studied formations like this. Just reading about these formations made her feel an incredible change in her view of formation.