The paintings on the wall (1)

As for Liang Chen he was bored and frustrated. He could not make heads or tails from that phrase no matter how much he tried to connect it with a form of a spear, so he just gave up and went around bullying anyone he saw, making the elders and seniors angry to the point that they went to bully him instead.

All of the young dragons had already heard about him before. Even though they had little to no interaction to the outside they would obviously hear about the person who helped to avenge the Young Race Lord. The Young Race Lord was still young and weak when he back then and after being surounded he was exhausted to death a d ended up dying.

From that the young generation had bad impression of humans. They were protecting them from time immemorial and they dared to kill their Young Race Lord. But after hearing that a good friend of his had avenged him and killed as he pleased in his fury they calmed down. They thought that perhaps humans were not that bad, that only a certain group was.

And after meeting Liang Chen they knew how dispicable he was, he had bullied them all with his spear, making them very frustrated. But after the elders and seniors stepped up and bullied him instead they laughed at him and made fun of him, making Liang Chen go into a rampage and beating up many senior disciples along with a few elders, but in the end he was suppressed because of his insufficient cultivation.

Of course the senior disciples nor the elders used all their power at the beginning but after they saw how strong and domineering he was they had no choice but to use their secret arts and bully him in numbers.

Just this alone made the young generation of dragons feel incredible reverence and they couldn't help but ask if all humans were as strong as him to which he gave them all a look of disdain and said in an disdainfull voice "As if there is anyone as handsome and talented like me. They are all weaklings I am the only one who was blesses by incredible looks and incredible talent."

To which all the disciples seniors and young looked at him as if they were looking to a shameless idiot.

But the elders knew more than them all, and couldn't help but give a sigh full of pity as they looked at him. If this man was born in any of the races than he would be an incredibly powerful cultivator. Unfortunately there was no "If" in this world, only certainties.

After getting bullied Liang Chen was full of resentment towards them, but after seeing the dragon senior he ran towards him with a face full of indignation as he purposely put all of his wounds in sight. Seeing this the Race Lord felt an unbearable headache. How in hell did he end up making acquaintance with such a shameless person.

"Senior, all of your people bullied this frail and weak me. Buhuhu, I only came here to show my disciple around and ended up being beaten up. How could this be?" he said in a tone that made all those listening realize once again how shameless he was. He was clearly the one who said he was bored and wanted to spar, so they all granted him his request, but they soon realized with was just a plot to bully them all and get rid of hia boredom. So the elders and senior disciples beat him up quite badly to reach him a lesson. How could they expect that he was shameless to such a point?

As they were preparing to explain the situation to their Race Lord they were stopped by him as he looked towards Liang Chen with an expression full of disdain. Realizing his plan had failed he gave a shameless smile as he hurriedly began making his way towards his room, but was stopped by the Race Lord as he simply moved his hand forward and Liang Chen stopped in place.

Seeing this the youngsters of the dragon race began jeering at him, but were reprimanded by their seniors, since they were in front of the Race Lord. Looking at this Liang Chen who could still move his face began laughing with a disdainfull tone, but was smacked and reprimanded by the Race Lord who angrily said "Can't you look at your position of an older generation and start acting your age?!"

To this Liang Chen gave a foolish laugh as he rubbed his own hands together. Seeing this the Race Lord felt his headache get worse.

The Race Lord dragged Liang Chen towards a hall and made a seal on him preventing him from leaving that place. Liang Chen tried but was beaten up by the seal, to which he started looking with a look full of hatred.

Liang Chen looked around and saw paintings on a wall.