The council of the eight

That slight difference in path made him think of the legend written in the walls. It was a glorious time, this world was at its peak and geniuses and gods came to pay them reverence whenever they passed nearby and they were even known as the headquarters of good and the safest haven to those who were being persued by the forces of evil.

No god even dared to act rampart in the vicinities of this world ou of fear for their strenght.

"Sigh." this sigh came from the depths of his soul. If only that hadn't happened then this world wouldn't be like this at the moment.

He shook his head. He was the leader of the whole Dragon Race, at the very least of the ones who are still in this world or those who still remember of his Ao Clan, so he couldn't be like this.

Even so, those who are privy of the exploits of the Ao Clan of the past will not find problems with those who venture outside. Even though there is next to no one who remembers or is privy as to why that clan and multiple others disappeared and only once in a while will descendents appear, and even those who don't know will not really care, only thinking that they are a fallen clan who rely on their past fame, but to those who do know can't help but still feel reverence.

Such a powerful clan can ignore profits and reputation and decide to suppress something in their world. Even though it pretty much ruined their clan, the fact that they are still alive today shows how strong they truly are.

Thinking of this he couldn't help but shook his head with a rueful smile. There were days when he thinks that it's time to quit, but then he thinks of the consequences of that action and just can't do it.

He was still deciding whether he should send Liang Chen outside even if it was by force, but now he has no chance left. So he can only let him see a few things and let him die even if it's a bit more satisfied.

Then he looked towards the formation hall and inside still was that brat that he brought still reading all formations and still creating and modifying those that she comprehends.

He couldn't help but shook his thinking how he had gotten such an outstanding disciple like this, whose talent in formations was indeed quite outstanding, perhaps supressing those of a few geniuses of their own. Thinking of this he couldn't help but smile ruefully again.

It was a great shame that she wasn't born in their clan, otherwise they would perhaps in the future be able to strengthen the seal. Since the Dragon Race is the best in formations and spells to increase their power.

One was born in the wrong worls and the other in the wrong race. He sighed again and directed himself towards the hall where those faint figures were staying at the chairs once again. Even Chen Xiao was there still with a pained face, but it was evident from his eyes that were filled qith determination that he had decided on something. Last time there were only five of them, but now there were actually seven counting with Chen Xiao.

Seeing him enter all the figures got up from their seats.

"Dragon Race Lord, will we be able to start the meeting at once now?"

"Yes, we will. I was accommodating a friend, I hope none of you will take offense to this."

"We will not. We heard he was the benefactor of your race to an extent. And besides we were still waiting for a few others."

"My Wing Race apologizes for the delay. We were fighting againts a few idiots." a faint figure said with ferocious and satisfied tone.

Hearing that voice say those words they all shook their heads. By "idiots" that figure probably either meant a few invaders from the outside or they were bullying their juniors. This Wing Race Lord was way too violent and hotheade, but could keep the head and heart in the right place.

"Let's make this brief. Has there been anyone suitable of the new generation?"

"No, not yet. They are still immature and fight between themselves. A few years back they even killed between themselves. Sigh, ignorence is bliss." A faint figure said with a tone filled with ridicule.

"I see. The seal won't hold much longer. Perhaps a few more generations."

Hearing those words all of their faces turnes grave. A few generations might seem long, but in fact it was not, at all. But they still had hope in their hearts. Like the saying "Hope is the last to die."

"We will be helding the next meeting when the time presents itself."

"Indeed. Farewell friends."

"Farewell. Might we all succeed and rise once again."

"To prosperity and a better future." They all said at the same time before the faint figures disappeared.