They are so alike

After they disappeares Chen Xiao looked towards the Dragon Race Lord.

The Dragon Race Lord knew what he wanted so he guided him towards Liang Chen.

When Chen Xiao saw him immersed in his spear with such a fanatic expression he couldn't but give a small chuckle as if he had returned to those days filled with bitterness and true happiness.

Even though they were weak, they were truly happy back then.

He sighed. Then he looked to where Liang Meng was and started making his way there.

After he looked at the little girl so immersed in formations he noticed something and couldn't help but laugh loudly.

They were basically the same. One was so immersed in tbe spear he didn't even notice time go by, while the other didn't care how messy her hair and clothes were and just continued to experiment the formations.

After finishing laughing he sighed once again.

When he had found that little girl back in the forest he only helped her because he had seen a hint of Liang Chen's presence on those spear moves, that wouldn't be enough but then he noticed space distort around her and saw a silver light, and he immediately knew that that little girl was definitely related to Liang Chen one way or another.

That silver light was Liang Chen's spear preparing itself to kill the opponent.

He was shocked when he saw this. That bastard never let go of that spear even when he was asleep, much less doing anything else, like everything else. He treated that spear better than even he treated himself. He would polish that spear whenever he had the time, even if he was in the middle of battle. He would just use a big move and force them all back and then start to polish that spear.

That spear was probably his true love. But he had actually used it to protect the little girl in front of him at that time. Although Liang Chen had no idea what Mind Palace was he, Chen Xiao knew. That spear was made purposely to be stored there and protect oneself from danger, but it had to be changed, the Dragon Race changed it when they heard that the person that had helped them get revenge someone of Dantian Solidification Realm.

They made it to store itself there if infused with a lot of Ki, even if the Mind Palace wasn't open yet, it wasn't the first time items of the such were made anyways, it was a simple matter.

He shook his head and started walking inside the hall. He seemed to have infused himself into the world itself, he made no noise, no fluctuations in space as he travelled inside. He seemed like a normal spear that would only trully reveal itself when the time came. Soon he had already made his way right besides Liang Meng who was still reading and experimenting with formations.

When he looked around he saw formations around her, and when he looked closer he saw they were protective formations. He suddenly felt an headache for some reason.

He sighed and gritted his teeth while thinking with anger and bittetness 'Why are these bastards so alike? One couldn't care less even if he was at death's door, he would just continue to swing the spear around, while the other instead of making a small formation to test the its power, she instead makes a nornal size one and tests it around herself.'

Suddenly he saw a dozen formations activate at the same time and the elements went crazy as well as the Ki around, it seemed to form an ancient beast, but at the same time it had a spear and a sword form, as it started to explode at full power.

Chen Xiao frowned and looked towards Liang Meng. He saw that around her all formations lit up and they started to attack that ancient beast, until it was beaten into submission, while she simply started to write and making changes on her formations.

He looked towards those formations and saw that they were Dragon Formations. Then he looked around and saw the exhausted young dragons laying on the floor. He looked at then in sympathy. They had probably laid a lot of formations to protect her, and her formations would destroy them from time to time, and they would lay a few more.

They were probably impressed by the genius of the girl when it came to formations and wanted to see more and when they saw how careless that little girl was they felt a chill on their backs and started to protect her. How would they know that they had signed their own death sentence by doing something like that? They would probably be exhausted to death.

Chen Xiao looked at them with more sympathy and a lot of pity, he still remembered when it was him on that side. If he was not besides Liang Chen when he was young, there would a path of blood whenever he was training his spear, fortunately he learned his lesson when he destroyed a whole town when he was training, only noticing when he was done.

Whenever he thought of it he would feel a chill on his back. That bastard was crazy, even more so when he was training his spear, he would ignore everything around him.