The Dragon Clan who got "bullied" by their guests (8)

After all if the formation used unecessary Ki then people with keen senses would easily sense it and safely evade it, so by using the minimal amount needed to operate it even those with keen senses would have extreme difficulty even sensing it, and that was if they were trying to find something, if not then if they aren't extremely lucky to evade or strong enough to break it, it usually ends in their demise.

Liang Meng was no stranger to such methods sincd in her previous life she used formations along with her sword, and her usual method of combat when she was young was to strike the opponent after having everything ready, and besides she had countless treasure always at her side unlike now. She even had a sword that was left behind by an ancestor that could comand formations, even if they were formations from the enemy as long as you could put your divine sense in it.

It was not an easy task, but it could be done. At the begining she had thought that it was a high level formation or perhaps an ability of the sword to be able to do that, but after reaching an high cultivation realm she found out that it was in fact a technique, the only drawback was that it required an high level divine sense to use it on high levelled formations, something she did not have even in her previous life, so she could only give up on it for the time being.

Liang Meng was incredibly clear that to accomplish her aim in creating a real illusion formation that could move and trap the opponent and make him think that they were in movement, first she had to improve her formation abilities and understand the true meaning of a real illusion, then improve that formation to be able to move it wherever and whenever she wanted to, and finally have the ability to compress space to a profound level and make it seem natural at the same time to be able to trap whoever she wantes in her formation.

And since to accomplish it all she needed those three in the corresponding order it was futile to even think of anything else.

At the moment she had none of those abilities, even the last one she did not have it to such a profound level even in her previous life, from this one could see how difficult it was to do so.

She decided to focus on the "lab rats" in front of her for the moment.

A few of them had manages to escape by working together. Liang Meng had also noticed that those who had escaped had created a very weird formation, it seemed to be incomplete in all sides but one, but after she linked all the sides she found out that it was indeed one complete formation. Meaning she had already found a very grave flaw in her formation.

She could see that that formation immediately pointed to the location of the corresponding next part, and then linked itself to that part and from the change in expressions from those who had escaped, they could communicate between each other through the formation.

Liang Meng could only sigh that she hadn't even thought of such a flaw, and was lucky to see it now.

But that method had only workes because they had the knowledge of being in a formation, because if they had not, perhaps under normal circunstances they wouldn't have used such a formation normally.

Such coordination was incredible. The moment they knew they were in an illusion they tried getting out by understanding the formation and when it didn't work they used a formation that not only allowed then to communicate, but even make a small opening in the illusion formation for them to leave, which in turned let all the others that were previously trapped in the illusion to slowly guide themselves out of it.

Although they lacked true experience, they could coordinate very well since they were born and raised all together.

Liang Meng could have immediately fixed the formation and perhaps even stop the firat group from even leaving, but she decided not to do that. She decided to abandon this formation and started building another.

This one was different from all the othet so far, it did not have any element nor any poison, much mess any beast; it seemed normal.

When she finished the formation and unleashed it upon her opponents they seemed to be stuck in place.

Seeing this the elders knew that it was a Space Entrapment Formation, and by the name alone one could figure out that it used space to make the enemies either stuck in place if it were low level, or make a very small distance seem like a million kilometres if it were high level.

That formatiom in an high level could be said to have the requirements to build the formation Liang Meng wanted, but in fact it did not, since it only used space and it would let the opponents see whatever was around them, while in an illusion formation you have to make them believe that whatever they see is reality.

Then Liang Meng started slowly making other formations. She first quickly made attack formations to stagger her opponents and stop them from leaving in the short time, then she made normal elemental formations to wear down whatever techniques or treasures they may use and finally she slowly built an illusion one.