The formation that could change illusions (1)

This illusion formation was unlike any of the others she had used before, this was a real high level formation. When the formation was forming she had speculated that thr formation that was providing Ki would tremble a bit, but that did not happen, instead it looked as stable as ever, which shocked her a bit. After all an high level fornation was incredibly strong and used a huge amount of Ki, especially if your Ki had not been refined yet.

The young dragons struggled to break free from the space formation, but under the assault of the various formations and while being poisoned it was incredibly difficult to do so.

Everytime they attacked with fire, a water formation was there to weaken their attacks and sometimes even stop them completely. And everytime they used water techniques, thunder would come to attack them.

Even if they used techniques with no elements, there would be poisonous formations and a few defensive formations to stop them, and if they insisted on continuing their attack, then they would have to suffer the consequences.

This was not to say that they could not break the fornation in one go, but Liang Meng made use of the common weakpoint of these young dragons, lack of experience. They wanted to break the formation while not suffering anything bad, which was impossible, but in their heads it was possible after all Liang Meng was "feeding" them weak spots in the formation and even openings, which made them delusional.

In a real battle, which Liang Meng had gone through countless of them, the opponent will use everything they have againts you, even your weak points. "If you lack experience, that's your problem." is what they will say if you say they played dirty; in a real battle is either life or death.

Liang Meng's illusion formation was complete and as soon as it was used, all of the young dragons found themselves in a gigantic forest filled with beasts and there was even a village here and there, the village was full of life, and all of the villagers upon seeing them invited them in and offered them food.

Some tried to attack and killed the villages, but they all got the feeling they were killing for real, heads were splattered here and there when they attacked, organs flew through the sky and blood was spilled onto the ground.

Then after some time they were attacked by a lone cultivator that was passing nearby, or was staying in the village.

Of course those cultivators were their fellow disciples, but in the illusion the ones attacking were ferocious bandits that wanted blood and even their voice was full of killing intent and bloodlust.

This was the main difference between a low level formations and an high level one. They weren't prepared to escape that formation in the first place, and they were in the middle of trying to break free from another formation, so they could neither dodge nor have the time to even think what was coming their way even was.

The beast in there were ferocious, always attacking on sight. The sun was scorching hot and the nights were freezing cold. As they progressed deeper within the forest there were poisonous plants and poisonous swamps, which coupled with the beasts were not easy to take care of.

On the outside Liang Meng was slowly trying to take that formation appart to move it individually, to sperate all of them into groups and destroy the unused parts of the formation to compensate when they sprinted to or reached the end of the formation.

She only needed to create some new information to feed them, like a kingdom or a city, or perhaps an undiscovered place.

Even for their adventures into an undiscovered place were based on Liang Meng's personal experience, and their opponents were so as well. As were the treasures they found.

To make such a detailed formation was incredibly difficult, not to mention exhausting both on the mind and on Ki. Fortunately she had a formation giving her as much Ki as she needed, and as for the mind mind exhaustion, she was way too hyped and interested to get new information for her research to even care about that.

Chen Xiao was watching from the begining and now he was completely sure that the disciple was the same as the master, only knowing the consequences of their doings after finishing or after suffering a set back.