The formation that could change illusions (2)

Inside the formation the young dragons knew they were inside an illusiom, but everytime they tried to break the formation they would suddenly get attacked by a "bandit" or other times by a beast.

There were some who used the formation from before to try and communicate with each other, but somehow it didn't work, which left that group stumped.

Of course, this was due to Liang Meng's interference. After seeing that formation once she immediately examined it and found a weak stop and a loophole.

Since that formation has space laws in it to let the formation be completed no matter where they are as long as they can supply the formation, she just needed to either destroy them, which was kind of difficult and time consuming due to her low cultivation, or instead make use of those space laws and "feed" fake information to them, like the location of the other formation parts were somewhere else.

To make that one needed to have knowledge and understand the space laws, which to Liang Meng it was no problem at all, unless the opponent had better underatanding of the space laws than her, which wasn't the case in this situation.

As soon as they noticed that their formations weren't working they began to slightly panic, there were even some who began running all around the place, leaving one part of Liang Meng's formation and entering another, onlt to be greeted by a bunch of beasts and elemental attacks.

Some were imprisoned by restricting formations and since Liang Meng could prepare as many formations as she wanted here, she also made cultivation restrictive formations, which sealed their cultivations, then she made formations to alter their memories temporally and their appearances as well, and threw them into random parts of the formations.

She also made formations that could throw those who were "killed" into another part of the formation with their appearances completely different.

All this allowed her to better understand a lot of the functions of a real illusion formation, even though this fornation wasn't even close to her goal, it was still a pretty good foundation, the only problem being that it had almost no resilience to survive under a siege of the opponents, and another being that some disciples battling "bandits" figured out that they were their fellow disciples becausd of the techniques they used.

That was a huge weakness that unless she sealed the cultivation of everyone that entered the formation, they would sooner or later figure out, and to seal their cultivations she would need time to get them individually, knock them out a do it, otherwise they might either escape or fight back, which in this case didn't really matter, but in a real battle scenario it could spell her doom.

There were also poisons that could seal the cultivation of others, but they couldn't be replicated by formations, since most poison formation required the materials, and the effects were always diminished, that being the reason that there were barely any Poison Formation Masters, and those that existed were mostly of low cultivatiom that were overlords of their province or cities, the reason being that those worlds were ginornous even if you were in space you would feel that the world had almost no end to it.

And even if she had the poison on hand it would be difficult to be able to administer it to those who entered the formations, unless it was the Medicine God who did it, he could make anyone take any poison and make them think that they were all better and even their cultivation had increased by leaps and bounds, there were countless that had died by his amicable and friendly smile, even in their deathbed they still thought of him as a friendly and kind person.

He was said to be the best and most powerful Medice God so far because of his scheming personality, which made others have chills run down their entire bodies without even knowing why when he simply smiled at them, and that "friendly" personality of his was what made people think that they could have his help to heal those dear to them in the first place, which lead him to regret not building a cold and brutal reputation like Liang Meng had.

Anyways, Liang Meng for now had no choice but to think of a new way to seal her opponents' cultivation and for future reference as well.