The formation that could change illusions (4)

Liang Meng began to slowly create formation after formation and finally an array that looked like a cobweb was formed. In that cobweb looking array were countless formations, each of them targeted to a different a law and besides each of them was another formation to constantly shift them and and to absorb the Ki of the opponents everytime they tried to attack the formation.

Basically it was a defensive type formation that everytime one attacked it would absorb the opponents Ki even if they didn't touch it they would slowly feel tired.

Liang Meng also added another type of formation to the illusion. This formation was aimed towards making the target to slowly forget where they were and fall deep into an illusion. It sounded good on papper, but it was not that simple. If one had a steady dao heart there would be nothing to even fear about such a formation.

Liang Meng to test this combination of formations decided to use this group of young dragons who didn't much experience and who probably didn't even suffer a real set back, making their dao heart much more susceptible.

Inside the illusion the young dragons only felt the world they were in to tremble slightly before coming back to normal.

This tremble was due to Liang Meng modifying the main formation, the illusion in this case, to put a lot more formations in it. The massive changes that she did to the illusion were of course the array that she just completed, so she fused it into the main formation, causing massive changes inside the illusion, like for example, a few "treasures" that used laws now had no effect, some beasts got weaker since their cultivation was made using the laws, and other many things.

This caused those inside to come to the realization that Liang Meng was about to make an all out strike to defeat them all.

This was outside of Liang Meng's expectations. She of course was aware of the beasts and treasures that were formed by laws, but she did not include them in her calculations. Even though she could be called amazing, nobody was completely perfect to always be dozens ahead of even themselves.

Now Liang Meng had no time to change it and could only focus on attacking by controlling all the beasts and the bandits, transforming them into ferocious bloodthirsty beasts that only liked killing, even the bandits that were the young dragons were transformed into beasts, of course that was in the vision of others.

Liang Meng now focused entirely on attacking and not letting them make any unexpected moves.

The elders that were watching in astonishment to this moment, suddenly made a move and some went into the illusion, while others sealed their cultivation to match Liang Meng's and went at her one by one, and in case that she was like Liang Chen, that a few elders had to group up together to take him out, they stood on standby.

The elders that went inside the formation also sealed their cultivations to match the weaker disciples. What they saw and felt made them sigh in astonishment. The laws and Ki in this place were sealed and if you fought you would rapidly exhaust your Ki since it was being absorbed, and from time to time formations that used elements came at you when you showed an opening.

A disciple was using a sword to a ferocious gigantic spider that was constantly producing eggs that instantly either exploded and released poison, or small spiders that had astonishing speed came attacking him, although their power was low, they had tranquilizing poison on them, making it difficult to choose to either dodge the big spider or to kill the small spiders.

That disciple was a senior disciple that decided to help the younger ones by taking care of the troublesome ones first, there were some who were helping by restricting the movements of the strong monsters and letting the younger ones to slowly chip away their lives.

The disciple that was using the sword on one hand was alone and his sword was fast but precise always landing on the small spiders whenever they appeared, and his other hand was constantly making signals, making talismans and from time to time he would use his feet to quickly make a small formation to give him a breather.

This was one of the stronger disciples and one who was on the list to be given the chance to go to the world outside. His name was Ao Yitian, and he was always caring of the young ones and even now he was constantly keeping an eye on the young ones and whenever he got a breather he would use a technique or a talisman to help them out, although he was caring he was also strict and was constantly challenging either the elders or his fellow disciples stronger than him, therefore although he lacked real combat experience he had some experience so he had an easier time than a few of them.