The formation that could change illusions (5)

He was completely elated at this moment, after all he was always fighting new things and he was under extreme fatigue at the moment, and although he wouldn't die if he fell now, that did not stop him from striving to fight even for one more second.

His sword suddenly flashed and a few swords of all the elements appeared in midair and quickly made their way to the ground, fusing with a few steps he had made while dodging or fighting, they were of course formation markings and with these swords they transformed into a sword formations, elevating his sword arts to another level and making his Sword Ki more ferocious but more stable than before.

Using a sword technique he managed to make the gigantic spider to take a few steps back and used that opportunity to take out its two front legs making it wail in pain and going into a frenzy.

He backed a few more steps, but while he was focused only on the beast in front of him a few formations came at him from the back, but before they hit him a figure appeared to stop them.

This was not an elder, but instead was another of his fellow disciples who was also one of the people Ao Yitian was always fighting against, his name was Ao Ming. Ao Ming used a saber, and like he thought the saber should be like, he was arrogant and quick ,although he was quick on his temper; and he also loved helping his fellow junior disciples as long as they weren't too stupid.

He had just finished his fight and when he saw Ao Yitian in danger he immediately rushed at him, blocking the formations for him. This stunned Ao Yitian a bit, since was didn't expect those formations, but when he appeared Ao Yitian smiled and nooded in thanks, in return Ao Ming simply flashed an arrogant smile at him. After finishing their greetings the two joined hands to quickly kill this spider.

Ao Ming's saber was domineering and arrogant, always aiming at the spots that the spider was trying to protect, even if there was no opening to do so, as if to provoke it.

With Ao Ming at his side Ao Yitian now had much more of a breather and began to stabilize himself while attacking to match Ao Ming's tempo, making the spider feel distressed and quickly lose its ground and under the two's assault it was quickly riddled with injuries.

The two also noticed that they were using more Ki than necessary, making both of them frown. They soon thought of the formations that they learned and realized that it should be a formation to seal the Ki in this illusion, and they also cursed their elders for making the formation that was directly giving them Ki turn off, only giving its Ki to Liang Meng.

They knew that this was a golden chance for them to learn and experience real combat so they decided to take as much as they could from here before falling in exhaustion.

Ao Ming's lifted his saber deciding to finish this in a single strike, Ao Yitian understanding what he wanted to do also did the same and gathered his Ki to use his killing move.

The air around the two of them turned still and incredible Sword Ki and Saber Ki appeared, rushing at the spider before transforming and separating into countless swords and sabers, cutting the spider and a few other beasts into mincemeat.

Seeing this the elders nooded in agreement and satisfaction.

The two quickly made their way to join other fights while warning their fellow disciples to finish their battles fast since there were formations that was making them use their Ki a lot faster.

Hearing their advise the juniors who were fighting againsts weaker beasts tried to rush, but ended up being injured and thrown back.

Seeing the elders shook their heads swearing to beat them all up into shape when this was over.

Ao Ming rushed into the middle of a few dozen beasts with Ao Yitian on his back and started fighting.

The two had just used a lot of their Ki to execute their killing moves, but this did not stop their fighting spirit from burning in pure bliss and excitement as they felt their blood boil for more battle and killing.

They now were also more cautious and were fighting back to back making confusing and strange steps whenever they attacked and dodged. This was of course them building formation imprints, that used in the right moment, they could kill all these beasts at once.