The might of the older generation (11)

As soon as both attacks were destroyed, Liang Meng had ready been preparing another space formation.

When she finished it, the next instant that strange Spear Ki appeared once again and formed the word "sword" in the air, before disappearing into the sky.

As soon as it disappeared into the sky, sword lights began to rain down towards the man.

Seeing this, he narrowed his eyes and attacked only those that were about to him.

But little did he expect that when he attacked to destroy the first barrage of sword rain, that very same sword rain stopped in midair and it formed a formation.

From that formation, strangely nothing seemed to come out from it, before it disappeared.

But suddenly the man dodged to one side, and the place where he had stood at previously, now there was a seemingly infinite sword rain attacking from all sides.

Liang Meng sneered and moved her right hand.

Suddenly the sword rain disappeared once again and the man continued to dodge.

This continued on for several rounds, until the man dodged a final time, and when he arrived at the place he had dodged to, he suddenly felt a piercing pain on his stomach.

He frowned when he looked at it.

He had dodged all attacks, so how could a sword be in his stomach right now?

He suddenly thought about the formation that nothing came out from. It turned out that the real attack had no true form, or was invisible and the sword rain was to masquerade it from the very begining.

Seeing this the man stopped moving and simply looked at Liang Meng.

He then suddenly put his right yet again in space and pulled out a sword from it, and threw it at Liang Meng.

Liang Meng did not even move to catch that sword, seemingly uninterested in it, even though the moment that she saw that sword, she wanted to hurriedly grab it and use it.

This made her realize that she had been using her previous battle style. She had decided to take a new path, seeing that the previous one had failed and she could not reach its ending. But now just from being slightly tired from controlling that illusion formation she had used the old one.

This made her frown.

Thinking that he had underestimated her or offended her somehow by this action, the man tilted his head seemingly confused, and then he nooded seemingly remembering something.

"I forgot to introduce myself, didn't I? My name is Ao Lin, and I am an elder of the Ao Clan. My weapon is only the sword and I am unrivalled in it." he said calmly, not even bothering to hide the arrogance of his last sentece.

Hearing that Liang Meng nooded slightly as she could clearly see that he was indeed very strong in it, even though he had shown nothing so far, only using some strands of Sword Ki to counter her attacks.

"Liang Meng."

Telling the names to each other in a death, and even in a spar was a sign of respect between opponents.

Ao Lin nooded slightly and his right hand drew his sword.

The moment that his sword came out, even the illusion formation trembled slightly from its pressure and power.

Liang Meng did not intend to let him prepare in the slightest as sealing formations and killing formations appeared all over, surrounding him.

The moment Ao Lin was prepared to destroy them, talismans suddenly appeared inside, and each of then seemed to contain something dangerous.

He immediately disregarded all attacks from the formations and immediately attacked those talismans.

The moment he attacked them, it was also the time that they disappeared, as if they were mere illusions.

But Ao Lin knew very well what he bad sensed at that moment. There was no way that it was a mere illusion.

He immediately raised his guard, and spread Sword Ki all around him.

Seemingly sensing danger behind him he immediately attacked there with his sword, but hit nothing, and before he could recover to a comfortable position to defend from all sides, he sensed another danger behind him again, but only his left hand could get there in time.

He used his left hand as a sword and attacked there.

Talismans appeared there and attacked towards his left hand.

The moment the Sword Ki hit those talismans, they were instantly destroyed, making Ao Lin frown.

But he got his answer soon as he felt a horrifying feeling from his left hand.

When he looked at it, he frowned heavily.

His left hand seemed to be dead, or perhaps crippled temporally. When he tried to move it, there was no response, making him dazzed for a split second as he looked at Liang Meng and nooded.

He ignored his left hand and simply pointed his sword at Liang Meng and attacked.