The might of the older generation (12)

The moment he pointed the sword at Liang Meng an immense amount of Sword Ki rushed at her.

Seeing this, Liang Meng reacted immediately and bit her tongue to spit some blood and used it to make a formation.

The moment that formation was done, it immediately froze space around her, stopping temporarily the Sword Ki rushing at her.

She made a few hand gestures and twenty blank pieces of paper flew out from her storage bag.

She immediately used ink to write on those talismans.

Everyone knew that blood was the best vessel to make talismans, especially if it was from high ranked beasts, or cultivators with an high cultivation level.

Ink was just a substitute and the majority of Formation Master used it, but even that ink was not normal ink.

Instead it was ink made from incredibly precious materials filled with spirituality which made it very useful and one of the best talisman materials, and since it could produce a lot at once, it was sold in every major city, but as for the price it was negotiable in various forms. Either making formations if they needed you to, or buy it with money.

Formations just needed to be made once, so they were just paid once, making Formation Masters with ordinary ability, to literally have to sell themseves to make talismans to just have enough money to buy their own materials.

But unlike that special ink, the ink used by Liang Meng was ordinary ink, with nothing special about it.

But on her hands that ink seemed to have special effects as the talismans were shining with a dark light.

Suddenly ten out of the twenty talismans flew towards the the Swors Ki, ans the other ten towards Ao Lin.

Ao Lin narrowed his eyes when he saw those talismans.

On them seemes to be written sword techniques, bur they gave him a dreadful feeling.

The ten talismans that flew at the Sword Ki transformed into incredibly powerful sword moves filled with a murderous aura.

Ant the other ten, five out of the ten had were filled with the aura of death, four were aiming at his limbs and the remaining one was aiming towards his head.

And the remaining five were in front of those talismans, obstructing him from destroying them.

Those five talismans seemed to be infused with a power that could make his weapon be stuck in space for a short moment, and for that short moment, he had no choice but to either let go of his sword and suffer some injuries and perhaps lose mobility of another part of his body, or to try and forcefully destroy all of these talismans at once.

Of course, that was easier said than done, after all it was quite difficult to escape a spatial obstruction.

Liang Meng took opportunity of this and immediately made a new formation.

This formation was purely made by ink, which was rather peculiar, since it could not even be used like so.

After Liang Meng finished it, she immediately ceaselessly threw a huge amount of Ki into it, making it gain form, but before it could appear and activate, the ink seemed to come alive, as it coiled and struggled around to make the Ki leave from inside it.

Suddenly that ink formation seemed to have gained sentience at it suddenly rushed towards Ao Lin.

Seeing this Ao Lin did not hesitate in the slightest to attack with his full power, with his cultivation sealed of course.

He moved his sword in front of his chest with only his right hand holding on to it.

Suddenly he seemed to have become one with the sword, as an incredible wave of Sword Ki was released from his sword.

It rushed towards those talismans, and the moment they were about to collide, one became two and two became three, meaning they separated into a seemingly all powerful barrage of Sword Ki, reducing the talismans into nothing.

But the strange thing is that the ink formation was still there, seemingly unhurt by that barrage of Sword Ki.

Suddenly that ink formation exploded, revealing what was in it the moment it got close to Ao Lin.

Inside of it were numerous sword moves along with a few spear moves and a huge amount of formations.

Perhaps she had thrown in the spear moves to make an excuse to herself, but only she would know. She did not want to lose to someone who used the sword, as if doing so would prove her sword dao to have been completely useless.