The might of the older generation (13)

Seeing this many moves coming at him, Ao Lin was slightly surprised at it.

He put his two hands on his sword and slowly slashed at the incoming attacks.

Nothing seemed to have happened, but Ao Lin still ignored everything and simply turned his back at those attacks, looking towards Liang Meng, seemingly no longer caring about all of those attacks.

This stunned Liang Meng as she did not understood in the least what he had done nor did she comprehend his actions.

Even if his real cultivation was incredibly high, now he had his cultivation sealed, and he would definitely be gravely injured by all of those attacks.

Suddenly when all of those attacks were about to reach Ao Lin, all of them surprisingly stopped, and then mysteriously space began to crumble.

It has to be known that space in here was incredibly sturdy, even if inside this Hall you could make illusions concerning space and even do a lot of stuff with space, crumbling it was not an option, since if it could be done, then that space would be compromised against enemy attacks, the same was to every headquarter and every sect secret grounds, the space in there having been refined endlessly by the previous generations.

But now, mysteriously the space in this place crumbled, destroying all of Liang Meng's attacks.

That crumbled space looked like as if a sword had slashed it open, so it was clear that it was Ao Lin who did it, but that was not the end.

Suddenly a sword light seemed to come from inside that crumbled sword like space and rushed towarda Liang Meng.

Liang Meng felt an immense danger coming from that slash, even making her for the first time in a long time feel fear, as if that sword light was all that existed in all of the universe and everything else was either thrash or did not even had the right to exist.

She quickly let go of her spear and suddenly reached for the sword that was right besides her. She seemed to be flustered, but with all of her life and death experience she instantly cleared her mind and put the promise she made to herself to improve her dao, temporarily in the back of her head, and began to circulate her Ki around her body, as she put her two hands on the sword.

She instantly appeared in the air.

Ao Lin focused his gaze towards Liang Meng, as he felt something really strange.

Suddenly color seemed to not exist, as if all of them entered in a world where only grief, sadness, despair, fear and hatred existed.

But they did not feel any of those above as strongly as a word and a feeling that instantly creeped in their minds. Death.

That's right, all of these elders present, and even the elders that were somewhere in the sect doing who knows what felt it.

Even Liang Chen who was now beating the youngsters who used spears up, and even talking about spear dao and improving their foundation and their techniques, felt it.

Liang Chen's expression suddenly became filled with anxiety as he rushed towards the place where he felt that.

The Dragon Race Lord was at the side looking blankly at them, when he suddenly felt that strange feelings and looked at its source.

Back in the Formation Hall, life seemed to have disappeared as all of the people inside felt so cold that even when they circulated all of their Ki, that feeling did not go away, instead seemed to have become stronger for some reason.

They looked towards the source of it, towards Liang Meng whose expression and even the air around her changed from cold and distant, to a murderous chilling expression and loneliness..

The image of the yellow river could be faintly seen behind Liang Meng, and even vengeful souls and corpses could be seen laying around as they got up and prepared to bring all life to accompany them.

Liang Meng attacked and that sword light and her attack collided.


A boom that did not seem to be loud, but in fact resounded everywhere inside the clan was heard and all those who heard it went into deep thinking.