"You are owing me protection money."

Liang Chen got up from within his room and opened the door. When he did ao, the figures in the room focused their gazes on him.

Liang Chen wasn't aware of it since he couldn't feel anything with his divine sense even now. He simply strolled about, as if he was owner of the palace.

Wherever he passed, he would nood his head to some servants, who nooded their heads at him, or simply ignore them even they didn't.

By now gossip was being spread, that this was the powerful expert that had had a son with their princess. All of them immediately shup up the moment that they saw anyone of high level authority, or someone even the slightest bit related to the royal family.

Slowly Liang Chen made his way into the throne room, which he took the liberty to just start climbing the steps into the throne.

Finally he sat down. He found it uncomfortable, so he tried to tuck in, but was unable to, so he got slightly angry and used his Ki to try and make more space.

When he saw that didn't work, he took out a small pillow, which he sat down on.

He found his back uncomfortable now, which made his anger flare up. He put yet another small pillow on his back. Thinking that it didn't look good, he took out his back pillow and sat down.

He sighed and said "Making a show of power is really important, but how can one do so properly, when their throne isn't even comfortable. This Wu emperor must have practiced a lot, I mean even with his tiny power and ugly looks, he was able to give a proud and elegant air. Sigh, it's really difficult to show off."

The Wu emperor and the others in the room were of course seeing everything that was happening. When Liang Chen sat down down on the throne, the wu emperor's mouth twitched and his face blackened. The Wu princess immediately tried to calm him down.

When he thought that he was getting off, he took out a small pillow and sat down again. His mouth twitched even more now. When he put another pillow, he just could imagine how the throne would feel, was it alive.

When he heard his words, at first he could not help but agree, as he knew how difficult it was to show power, then he could not agree more when he referred at how much he had trained for, and when he was about to just let this incident go, he heard his words, and his face showed pure anger and hatred. But even more so when he called him ugly.

He was handsome even at his age, and had made countless women fall for him by just his looks alone, not even using his status, he didn't need that at all.

And not even mentioning his power, the Wu Empire was huge, one of the biggest powers of this world.

If it was in any other world, they would be tinny, but how could Liang Chen even know something like that, as far as they were concerned and knew, he would think that only this world existed.

After some hesitation, the Wu emperor and the princess went to the throne room accompanied by Wu Xiu.

The moment they entered, Liang Chen immediately assumed a self important position on the throne.

He put on a dignified expression, and straightened his back, as he lazily and slowly looked at them, as if they were not important at all and not worth of his time.

When the three saw this, they were overwhelmed by anger.

Liang Chen waved his hand and said "You may speak."

The three were shaken out of their senses for a second and could not react for a few seconds.

"Master Liang, I am hunbled that you took a fancy to my throne, but could you kindly just leave it alone, after all this is a little inappropriate." The Wu emperor said as he tried really hard to suppress his anger, but his lips did not stop twitching in the slightest.

Hearing his words Liang Chen hurrumphed loudly and coldly as he let his voice resound on the huge throne room for a while, feeling good about himself for acting all powerful as he thought that his acting was perfect and would make the perfect emperor, after all he thought he had the looks and the power.

"You are owing me protection money, so I have taken this place along with the whole capital as interest until I am paid in full."