"Mother and father are going to have some exercise."

As soon as Liang Chen said that, the Wu emperor, the Wu princess and Wu Xiu's minds all exploded, after all how could any of them even predict any of that.

How could anyone even predict such shamelessness.

After a few moments, Liang Chen stood up and simply began to descend the throne's golden stairs. Soon he was on the ground level, and as he passed the three by, he simply said with a smirk.

"You better start packing. Because even your empire's treasury is now mine. Hehehe, so now you have nothing to pay mr with. I am rich, this is the easiest way to become rich, protection money is trully the best. I should have done this long ago. Now that I think about it, there are quite a few sects and clans that owe me protection money as well. Well, we will see each other in a few months, or weeks who knows. By then you better have the payment ready, or the interest fee will go up."

Each and every word was said and followed by a completely annoying smirk and arrogant look that disdained every single one of them.

Then, seemingly thinking of something Liang Chen took out the robes that he had gone back to his palace just to specially get, and then put them on.

The three's mind was just begining to recover and when they were prepared to say something, the Wu princess was the first to turn, and shivered.

As soon as Liang Chen saw that, he put on a happy smile and "gently" laughed and said.

"Oh dear, so you remember your darling's favorite clothes. Well you should, because these are the very same clothes that I, the great Master Liang Chen wore in our, well let's call it short relationship. Aish, this great me just couldn't bear to let all the other beauties in the world suffer without seeing my handsome appearance, that is why I sent you back, so don't think baddly of me, ok?"

The three heard every single thing he had just said, word by word. The emperor's face filled with murderous intent, the Wu princess face turned green from anger and shame, and Wu Xiu's face turned completely deathly white ad he thought about his mother's little exercise with this thing in front of him.

Even though this woman in front of him, the Wu princess was not his real mother, he loved her as such, but even so, he couldn't help but turn his head at her, and widen his eyes. To be honest he already knew that she has been forced to "exercise" with Liang Chen, long before he even met the man, and he knew that that was his mother's greatest shame and insult, that is why he had developed killing intent towards Liang Chen long before he even met him, and as soon ad he actualy met him, that killing intent just became stronger.

But hearing this from the mouth of the other party, while seeing this the involved parties faces and appearances, was somehow even more shocking and mind blowing.

When the Wu princess saw the look Wu Xiu was giving her, tears came to her eyes and she had no words to express what she was feeling right now, so she just decided to hatefuly and murderously glare at Liang Chen.

Seeing her glare at him, Liang Chen's smile turned arrogant and he lifted his chin up into the air and arrogantly said.

"I know that I am handsome, but you don't have to stare. If you want to repeat the little exercise that we did last time, you just have to say, after all I know that you love this robe of mine."

When she heard those words, her Ki exploded out and she immediately tried to attack Liang Chen. Wu Xiu wanted to interfere, but Liang Chen simply slapped him, and he went flying back. Then Liang Chen said.

"Your mother and father are now having an argument, so child just obediently head straight to bed and ignore all noises. Hehehehe, mother and father are going to have some exercise"

The Wu emperor tried to stop his daughter as well, but was also sent flying back with a slap. And once again Liang Chen's voice echoed out.

"Father in law, this is a little argument by newlyweds so don't interfere in this. Hehehe, since ancient times newlyweds arguments were all resolved in the same way. It's just the course of nature, and as such nature should obviously take its course."