"The ways you have to use to make them pay up are different everytime."

When Liang Meng heard his words, she did not find them strange at all, after all she was well aware that this man never cared about what other people thought of him at all.

She got up and was about to exit the room, when Liang Chen's spear suddenly began to shine brightly and she transformed into a beam of light along with the spear that disappeared into the distance.

At first she had been quite taken aback, after all she had no idea the spear could even do something like this, but after a moment she recalled that this was actually a pretty normal function of most magical items, even though there were a few extremely rare ones that could teleport into the distance, the ones that could control and shrink small bits of space and achieve great speed weren't considered extremelly rare, but quite unusual.

She sighed in almost seemingly despair. She had been in this world so long depraved of the magical items that she usually wore to adorn the walls of her cultivation palace, and even her clothes had been full of them.

A few moments later Liang Chen appeared with a grave expression that was rarely seen on him as he said.

"That was really dangerous, I could feel the killing intent of someone really powerful somewhere in that palace. I don't want that palace anymore, I will just stick with my own."

So this was the real reason that he been in a hurry to leave.

Liang Meng finally understood why he had been acting quite extraordinarily arrogant and demanding protection money all of a sudden.

It was all a act, if they did not give it to him he would just leave while saying that he would be back to collect it later!, and if they paid, it meant that they did not want to start anything just yet.

Either way, both solutions would lead to both of them escaping successfully.

She could not help but be taken aback, after all she had always thought that this man was quite ignorant, but it seemed like sometimes, only sometimes he was quite smart.

Liang Chen looked at her, and felt somewhat angry after seeing her face.

He could not resist but ask her.

"What are you thinking disciple? Is it at how the protection money collection route looks like? Don't worry, they are always the same, just the ways you have to use to make them pay up are different everytime.

Last time I barged in their clan and demanded protection money, and when they did not give it to me, I simply took whatever I could with me, and then every once in a while I would come to attack their clan, making it inpossible for them to even havr a good night's sleep."

Then after a moment he continued "That method always works if you add in and incite their enemies to harass them from time to time along with you personally attacking once in a while."

After hearing his words, Liang Meng simply shook her head, completely qhatever he had just said.

Liang Chen simply extended his right hand and Liang Meng came flying at him.

Then he grabbed her and began to fly into the distance.

The moment that they felt Liang Chen's aura was gone, Wu Xiu, rhe Wu emperor and the Wu princess all returned to rhe room they had been in previously.

The moment they entered, they saw the illusory figure's dark and cold face.

"How dare an ant of this lowly world treat people of my Sword Falling Sect?! I will kill every single person that has the slightest relationship do him!" the figure continued cursing Liang Chen, until he finally calmed down after insulting Liang Chen for who knows how long.

After calming down, the illusory figure breathed in deeply and then spoke again.

"When you see him next time you better not lose face again while in front of the young master, because if young master's reputation becomes one of a coward, how could he even cultivate or go out in the future when everyone else in making fun of young master?!"

He yet again became agitated and calmed down yet again. This happened a few times during the rest of the day, which gave the three in the room depressed faces.