Liang Chen's helplessness

When Liang Chen and Liang Meng left the capital, after some distance Liang Chen employed his maximum speed and ran as far as he could.

After running for a few hours, he finally stopped.

After he breathed heavily for some time, he finally calmed down and gritted hia teeth as he fumed with anger rushing through the roof.

Deep in that fear was a kind of helplessness that had begun appearing deep in his hearth ever since he had been cursed. He knew that there were a huge amount of cultivation realms above his, but when he thought that he was at the top in this world, he calmed down and simply accepted this reality he lived in and simply decided to live as he pleased and then die of old age.

But then he went to the Ao Clan for the first time, he had thought that only his friend had an abnormal cultivation realm at such a young age, and as for Chen Xiao he simply didn't pay him any attention, after all he and him were brothers, and how could he suspect something abnormal on his own brother he treasured more than his life.

But when he entered the Ao Clan for the first time he saw so many people with the same cultivation realm as his own, and many more that surpassed his own, and that could simply raise a finger and squash him on the ground, he became hopeless and helplessness surfaced on his hearth.

But when he thought that they wouldn't interfere with whatever happened on the outside, he simply ignored that helplessness and simply played along.

Then he went there again, and those at the same cultivation realm as his or below it, became even stronger, and he could only bully them because they lacked battle experience.

He finally realised that he couldn't defeat any of the elders if they used their strongest attacks, even by using the spear technique he had always been so proud of. But he didn't let it affect his dao heart, he simply gritted his teeth and decided to take that as an opportunity to improve even further.

Then he saw a spear attack that caused his mind to spin and he became even more helpless, but yet again he put it down and hid it in the depths of his heart.

He went to the Ao Clan to let Liang Meng study there amd build some karma with them, to give her a chance that in the future she might be able fo leave this place, and not end up like himself.

When Liang Chen thought that the Ao Clan didn't really care about the outside and wouldn't interfere with it, his helplessness easied up a bit, and he decided to go and bully all those so called top powers on the outside, and make them feel his own helplessness.

But who could have thought that when they left the Ao Clan and met his so called son, that bastard would have a stronger cultivation than what he remembered him having, even though that little bastard tried to hide it, Liang Chen was still able to see through it.

He then heard that bastard's words and he wanted to kill him as he felt that he was actually looking down on him, but then managed to suppress it and simply decided to play along with their little scheming.

He planed to go there and steal all of their resources that had let that little bastard to improve so fast, and give them to his disciple, Liang Meng.

And to go along with it he also decided to take a few things and play with them and torture them.

But who could have thought that when he arrived there, and when he got to his room and decided to play with those maids, he would feel his connection with Liang Meng broken.

He immediately remembered what Ao Li had told him, that when he put the spear to protect someone, he could always communicate with that person, no matter what.

When he did so, he felt something abnormal, and even dangerous on this place, so he played dumb and still did what he came to do, but wasn't able to take any resources from them, but his objective at that time was to take Liang Meng away from that place.

The moment he left he put his guard to its maximum while maintaining his countenance of arrogance, and left at top speed after some distance.

He knew that if they had felt even the slightest bit of suspicion that he was actually acting that whole time, they would have attacked, and he knew that he would be unable to protect Liang Meng.

He didn't really care about his life, but Liang Meng's, he wouldn't put at risk no matter what.

He would take her away, even if that meant killing every single being in the world.

That was his helplessness. He was not strong enough to protect what was precious to him. It was so in the past, and now when he thought he was stronger, he still was not.