Kindness is the most difficult to forget

Liang Chen did his best to try and hide his helplessness from Liang Meng, but in the end, Liang Meng who was getting more and more familiar with Liang Chen's strange antics noticed something strange in him.

It had been the same when Liang Chen simply left after only getting a simple few treasures.

She had examined them, and although some people would categorize them as either strong or precious, she who had used many, many stuff even rarer than these, would not consider these few things anything great, at most useful.

And besides, she was completely and absolutely sure that Liang Meng didn't even know what a single one of the medicinal pill was even used for, and normally he would ask her, or simply glance at her to see her expression.

But he had done none of the such, instead he had simply thrown them at her and immediately left.

Allthough to some it would appear as if he had accomplished his objective, she knew that if he did not know what something was, then he would just sat that it was either useless stuff or just some random pebbles they had thrown at him. So he would fly into a rage and take everything they had as "compensation" for such humiliation.

This was the reason that led her to believe that he was either afraid of something inside that palace, or he was afraid that she would get hurt during the fight.

She couldn't help but be remembered of one of the very few figures that still existed inside of her almost emotionless heart. A figure that had made it impossible for her to complete her Dao of Emotionless.

To forget those figures and make her heart truly emotionless, she would have to slay them, which she could not bear with, or was even willing to do.

Therefore her dao was doomed the moment she created close relationships, but she only realized it when it was way too late.

That figure was the one she had previously called "Grandpa Shi".

That "Grandpa Shi" was actualy an incredibly strong ancestor of the Feng Clan. She had always known him as a loving ancestor of the Feng Clan.

He had taken great care of her when she was younger, always worrying that when she was out of ink while studying formations, she would use all her blood and die without knowing how.

But that side of him was only known to her, to everyone else he was an awkward and cold old man, even his own fellow ancestors and even his own descendants only knew him as such. He was always shunning them off.

She was affected by such kindness that she had received ever since she was young and even when she went back to the clan to either visit or restock on cultivation resources, the first person she always visited were not her parents, but the ancestor she had always known as the kind and always worried "Grandpa Shi".

Even when she was stronger than him, when she went to visir and lay down protection measures around the clan, Grandpa Shi had personally come out of isolation all worried with more than a dozen of space bags full of ink and paper for her to study, always afraid that the little girl on his mind would start to use her blood instead of ink when she ran out of it.

That figure was deeply imprinted on her almost emotionless heart and had been at a time an inner demon of hers that always whispered at her hear that she would never become stronger as long as that figure lived.

She had severed it and destroyed it. But in the end had always been unable to truly erase it.

Now when she looked at Liang Chen, although it was nowhere near as that figure, Liang Chen was slowly making his way into her heart.

She knew that the Emotionless Dao was not for her. In the end she was human, and humans that experienced kindness will always want to go back to it, and always want to repay and see those who had shown them kindness, even more so when they were more important than your own life.

"Even cultivators in the end were still mortals." this was a phrase wildly known across the whole universe. It had been uttered by an incredible emperor, but strangely no one knew either his name nor which empire he had governed, not even where the empire was or had been situated.

Right now Liang Meng felt herself in the middle of an endless ocean, surrounded by countless fish that shone with blinding light that she could not see, and as long as she did not find the fish only she herself could see, that she would continue adrift across this endless ocean.