A bit of structure of the powers

She put the bag inside her robes and sticks a talisman to it and puts a formation on it. This talisman served to make sure the bag did not open as long as he talisman was still around, and the formation, to make sure that as long as the formation stands, the talisman will do so as well.

This was a small trick she had learned after traveling alone for a long time now.

Soon Liang Chen came down towards her and was completely fumming with anger.

He looked like he was about to go on a rampage from madness.

He gritted his teeth and picked Liang Meng up and without even looking at her, began to rush towards the last location.

There were 2 Sects, 2 Kingdoms, in this case a kingdom and an empire, and nothing on thr last cardinal point.

Liaang Chen was now going to go towards the Clans. Sects may flee, since they could build their location again and could simply lie to their disciples and simply say that it is an experimental training, but clans, that was a completely different story.

After all they were either blood related, or were granted the familly name. If they flee from their foundation location, then that will create uneasiness that would be way worse than in any other sect.

As soon as Liang Chen left, a figure that had been burried in the sand quite a distance away, emerged from it and looked towards where Liang Chen had left with a really complicated look on his face.

"Sigh, this is really troublesome now, isn't it? We actually had to move the sect underground. But it's way better than to be extorted by that bastard. But what is the Wu Empire scheming? Are they not afraid to become the second coming of the Wei Kingdom?

After all one of us just needs to appear and say what we know, and that bastard will forget anything even ever happened. But that little girl isn't she afraid she will be cursed by that thing?

Well whatever, even if the ancestors always said that we were not allowed to take that away with us, we have always protected that law since we did not know what wiuld happen, but they did not say anything what would happen if the sect was being threatened of destruction anyways. So what happens, happens." He spoke for quite a long time, before he finally let his mouth stop moving.

Liang Chen who was now into the distance, was now completely sure that something or someone had warned all of these powers that he was coming for them.

He gritted his teeth and simply could not imagine how evil someone had to be to actually do something like this to him.

'What evil had he commuted to be made to suffer like this?' was the question that was continuously going on about on his mind.

After another few days of flight they had finally arrived to where the final clan was located at, after all the other clan was prerry much destroyed, so the protection money they owned him, was no protection money, but was actually a debt of life and death! They had tries to kill him before and had even gotten his own first disciples to join them and try to kill him. So they would either hand over everything they had on their own, or they would completely perish for good.

When Liang Chen arrived, he was very pleased to see that this Clan was actually where it had always been.

The only difference was that it was on high alert mode. As if a great enemy was going to come and evade their lands. A bunch of old men were meditating in the air, as if they were wating for someone or something.