"Brother I haven't seen you in so long now."

As soon as Liang Chen arrived, the old men that had been meditating in midaur for quite a while now, suddenly oppened their eyes.

When they did, the formation of their Clan got activated and their supreme treasure appeared in midair.

As soon as Liang Chen saw this, his eyes glittered, and as if he was extremely happu about something, a huge smile that literally went from ear to ear appeared on his face, and he said in a loud, happy and pleased voice.

"Dao friends it was not needed for you to prepare such a grand welcome for this Liang here. After all we can all be considered great and old friends who pursue the Dao." As soon as he finished saying this, he extended his right hand towards them.

Seemingly not able to understand his action right now, the six old men frowned collectively. Then, a short moment later one of them transmitted his divine sense to the others, and all of their faces fell and darkened.

"Fellow daoist Liang our objective today is neither battle you or to give you anything. Vut rather to offer you some really great and exciting news." one of the old men in the group respectfuly said.

After hearing his first sentence, Liang Chen was prepared to rain down havoc upon them for daring to play with him. But after hearing the rest, he frowned.

After all, he knew that while material goods are great and all, information is just as important. They wouldn't dare to say such a thing unless they were certain that this sort of information was worth it.

"Very well, you got my attention." he said.

"I reckon that after fellow daoist Liang went to the other places, that you did not find anyone there, correct?"

As soon as he heard that sentence, his face grimmeced, and as though he had just remembered a great enmity, he emmited a great wave of killing intent.

This was enough to let them know that he was interested in this.

"In fact, a few days ago we received a divine sense transmission from the Wu Empire saying that you were coming over, so I doubt that the others didn't receive it either."

As soon as he finished thise words, Liang Chen's expression suddenly paused for a split second, and then he cleared gis throat and his expression turned serious, and at the same time all knowing.

"I figured as much, since I had just come from there before. But today I feel great, so I will just go and kill their younger descendants and be done with it."

When they heard these words, they immediately sensed a great chill down their backs, after all it was way too cruel to just kill the young and leave the old, it was as if he was cutting them their path of growth and giving them a slow death, which would end up with the older generation dying of and the young one not being mature enough to take their place.

Of course on the inside Liang Chen was reeling his mind on how to get back at them. After he sensed that great danger inside their palace, he did not want to go inside without preparing, but he could not let these old fellows know that, or they might get a few new ideas.

"I already knew that, so thar information is not really that worth it to be honest. Got anything else, or can I just go ahead and take the protection fee you owe me?"

The older of the six old men gritted his teeth and stepped forward. He was wearing a green scholar robe and had a big black beard with a little of white here and there. He was bald and was quite tall.

"Fellow daoist Liang, there seemed to have been an ancient relic site that has just been discovered recently, I think you would be interested in it?"

As soon as Liang Chen heard his words, his eyes shone a brilliant light, and he stepped forward to appear right in front of the old man.

When he did, he grabbed his hands and with a respecting look on his eyes, he smiled brightly and wide as he said in a loud tone.

"Brother I haven't seen you in so long now, sigh you have grown a little older yet again. Come and tell this brother of yours everything."

He suddenly got his left arm around his shoulders, and he began to walk forward, towards the man's clan.