

After only a week, a sharp and agonized scream could be heard in the forest. All the blood vessels in Mormo body started to vibrate and deform as they little by little moved closer to his skin.

His whole body vibrated as a sharp pain filled his body, this kind of pain wasn't something a normal person could imagine, it was a pain of one soul, his life force which sustained his soul became unstable and tried to force their way out of his body, Mormo tried to surpass his life force but it was too much for him to handle as little by little some life force started to leak out of his vessels!

The feeling was the same as someone reap a part of your soul every now and then, it wasn't as gentle as how his own original life force left him.

Mormo screams became more and more hoarse, at some part he wasn't able to keep his condition in control and the life force with out any hindrance rush out of his body.

When half of his life force disappeared, their struggle vanished, and they just return to their normal state. Mormo lied on the ground breathing heavily trying to control himself.

He didn't know why but he could predict that from now, he will have to experience this kind of torture occasionally, all he could do is keep extracting the life force of the mouses and wish that when this kind of phenomenon will happened again it will be less painful and that he will never run out of life forces.

Mormo struggled about what to do next, this kind of pain wasn't something he wanted to experience again and his life until now was pretty shitty, he could just drop the past behind him and stop his struggling, whishing that if he will not collect any more life force this phenomenon will never happened again, he even considered suicide.

There was nothing that connected him to this world apart from revenge. He didn't want to think about it too much but why his mother never came to find him? or why did she just left him alone suddenly without saying anything. He didn't believe Mor words in any ways, and he just didn't want to think about this subject at all, every time he did, he couldn't stop the tears from falling.

After some hours where Mormo just sat on the floor looking at the sky pondering, something changed, his whole aura changed into that of a strong determination and even a touch of pure evil.

"My mother throwed me, my clan never cared about me and my school didn't even consider me human, my own fiancé tried to kill me, and my two little brothers never even looked at me. This world is hell, nothing here is right! I hate this place, I hate this world! I will be the judge and the executor as I will burn this world into ashes!" Mormo whisper into the wind as if he prayed.

An evil and creepy smile could be detected on his old and ugly face which were terrified to the extreme!

Mormo had to keep collecting life force to be able to convert a huge amount of it into a small essence, for now he didn't enter the first-god-level so he couldn't feel or developed his essence in any way, because his essence wasn't collected but created the process took way longer than normal cultivation.

For the next year Mormo experienced the hardest time he ever had in his whole 2 lives, every 1-2 weeks he had an attack which made him shouting for hours, every time his life force left his body he felt as if some part of his soul reaped out of him, it was a really weird feeling because he felt as if his soul have no bound and still something out of this unbounding entity kept escaping every attack.

All he did every day apart from eating and sleeping is trying to collect as much mouses around the forest while avoiding all the other animals, he was powerless his body weak and old the only thing that made him keep going is the revenge he wanted so much, which drove him almost crazy.

Right now, he was seating in his sad excuse for room with bunch of rats in his hands he extracted the life force while the rats kept biting him none stop until they died.

The life force entered his body as he started the conversion process.

After some hours another essence came to be as its moved slowly into Mormo heart.

When the essence entered the heart, a huge explosion happened inside his body which no one could hear or detect except of Mormo, it was so shocking that for a moment he could see sound and hear colors, as if no law existed in the world anymore. it was so strange that Mormo couldn't control his emotion at all.

It was the start of his transformation!

White and pure smoke started to leave Mormo heart it was a beautiful scene as the smoke danced around him and turned into 7 strange objects, this object didn't have any form but when someone looked at them, he will be shock out of his mind!

Each mass represents one of the different kinds of basic love Mormo can feel, the Love for Family, Yourself, Learn, Property, Life, Friends, Fellowmen.

After the masses appeared Mormo could subconsciously tell what they represent, they were part of him, and to cultivate his heart he had to serve his love, little by little until no bond will connect him to humanity.

When he looked at the masses each of them was connected to his heart with a gold thread. The thread thickness differs between each mass and it represent how deep Mormo was connected to this kind of love.

Mormo wanted power he wanted his revenge, and it was understandable in his part or maybe his wish that to become a real god one need to cut his bond to the mortal world, Mormo hated any kind of love he had.

The thread which connected to the Fellowmen was thin and looked like it will be served even without Mormo decision in any second while the thread that connected to his family was thick and hard, when he looked at the mass that represent his love to his family a deep hate and shame boiled in his mind.

After a long moment Mormo turned to the mass that represent the love to Fellowmen and without any hesitation he put his own hands on the golden thread which connected him to the mass and forcefully severed it!