
After the thread split apart, the pure mass started to burn as a black flame pop out of nowhere and devoured the pure and clean mass.

After the mass vanished completely all the other masses rushed back into Mormo body, to Mormo astonishment he could feel that the world around him rejected him, as if it hated him and wanted to banish him, this sensation was weak, but it was there.

After the initial shock, Mormo hold himself together and thought that there might be a better explanation to this situation, maybe it was just some side effect of the new transformation or that the essence near him detect a foreign object inside of him, or maybe his conscience. In any way he couldn't care less, and he pushed this kind of thought into the back of his head.

The good news was that before he achieved the first-god-level he extracted the essence into his heart and if he could detect any essence it was just randomly floating in his heart before his connection to the essence lost. But now he could feel that all of his essence formed a cocoon shaped structure around his heart, and a small part of his heart felt completely empty as if the new essence could be stored there.

Unlike his last state where his essence always floated randomly inside his skin, now they had an order and place, but above anything he knew that he could store more! And he predicted that when the empty feeling space will be completely filled with essence, he will be moved to the second-god-level.

What made him a little bit nervous is that he couldn't detect any power from his essence he could move them freely inside his body and even pool them out of his body with the option of returning them! But no super natural power could be extract from them, and there was no option of controlling the normal essence around him, as if they want nothing to do with him.

There was another problem, his essence was weak, way too weak. He couldn't control them properly and they were almost powerless, but it didn't make Mormo too upset. He already knew that what he wanted is to bend fate to his will and not to walk the path his fate created for him.

Even the fact that he only saw 7 emotion didn't bother him too much, in any case he wanted to step above the 10-god-level so what if his road will lead him only to the 8-god-level. Its just means that he will become a real god faster!

After a short moment he sneered, cleared his mind and start to play and manipulate his essence. It was a great feeling, as if an important limb which he lost long ago regrew.

Because of his unique experience it wasn't long before he could utilize his essence to variant of places in his body easily. He even tried to put some of his essence into the objects around him and it was a big success, not only the possibility to put his essence into different objects still exists, when needed he could extract them back to his own body! His essence was absolutely in his control!

The only down fall was that his essence was too weak. he could put them inside objects but that did a little good, it was as if they had no power at all.

Mormo went again to his usual routine to collect the rats, he came back with a bunch of them, unlike in any other time his face was focused, he was confused. How come he could feel some kind of emotion from the rats. It wasn't as if he could feel what they felt it was more like that he shared the same emotion they shared as a group. The sensation was so weird to him that he couldn't even describe it properly.

He grabbed one mouse and extract its life force while ignoring the others. The process was the same as always with the now dying mouse, but Mormo eyes shone which a strange light. He could detect some kind of aura that slipped from the body of the other rats, it was fear! But for the first time it wasn't just fear that he detected but some kind of particles that flow around the mouses.

Mormo took out some of his essence and circle them around a random rat. To his amazement the essence absorbed the little particle into them and the rat in a moment started to lazily lie on the ground, near the dead mouse. No fear or any emotion related to the situation could be detect on the mouse, as if it ignored the outside world completely.

His essence was still as white and pure as a snow. After a short moment of hesitation, he moved the essence back to his heart.

As the essence returned a black gas suddenly appeared inside of him. fear, frustration, suicidal, desperation … in a second all kind of negative thought filled Mormo mind. He felt as if he is an insignificant creature, wretched to the extreme. The lowest of society, a freak! It felt as if a thousand or a million of people standing around him shouted at him to die. They hated and rejected him, Mormo sat on the floor hug himself and murmured for a long, long time. As if he gone crazy.

Mormo didn't care about the people that stood around him at all, he wasn't affect by their shouting too much he already serve is emotion to the fellowman, he just didn't give a fuck. It was just that the negative thought overflowed his mind, and worse his heart. The served part was fine, but all the other parts trembled in fear and desperation, he didn't want to lose them but at the same time despised them.

His own heart was provoked by the negative feeling that he took from the mouse!

Mormo didn't want to sink into desperation, he never felt this emotion before, and he didn't want to fall into such a state now! He managed to cycle all of his essence inside of his own heart to absorb the negative feeling.

But the emotion wasn't ready to enter his essence, they just kept flowing inside his heart.

Mormo managed to collect him self and then it hit him, how could he own his own power if he will absorb the feeling of others, he need to transform the feeling into his own, understand them and sink into them, feel and understand them completely, only after they will turn into his own he will be able to call it his own power!

He stopped his fight to control his feeling and just fell into a state of deep desperation, he was afraid of dying, afraid to lose his and his friend life, he was afraid to lose his family, all the feeling that the dying rat fell he fell, everything it was afraid of he was now afraid of. In some aspect he became the rat. He was so deep inside his strange state that he didn't notice how his essence little by little absorb the particle that moved in his heart.

All of this looked like an eternity to Mormo but in reality, no more than 6 second as passed from the moment these particles entered him until his essence absorb them.

It took some time for Mormo to gain clarity again, to his amazement his essence still pure and white but a little bit bigger and stronger!

Without any hesitation Mormo kept extracting the particle from the other mouses and feed them to his essence he wasn't just cultivate his body and soul, he cultivated his feeling and his mind but most of all his heart! He became to understand himself better and his fears and negative thought better. Afterward he extracted the life force out of the mouses and turn it into his own essence.

He kept this process, after only a week he understood that his life will never be the same again, he became stronger fast, but each day he fought against insanity, the desperate thought stopped to vanish after his essence absorb the particle and just floated inside his mind all day long, he couldn't sleep he was living his life like a ghost, the fear overwhelmed him. If not for his strong sense of revenge he would lose himself long ago.

The good part was that he found his power, or more accurately his curse, when his essence was in present of other living being it could transmit a negative aura that would affect the target according to how strong his heart or will is.

Beside that he could just cut subject with his essence or put them around some part of his body to strength it. In a lot of sense after only a month he became as strong as he was before Mor took his power from him. his body was much weaker, but with the help of his essence he could strength part of his body if needed.

Mormo didn't want to get any healing power so he understood that if he wanted a strong body he needed to stop to think like a mortal and do something completely crazy to strengthen his body again, So he cycle his essence around his body and made a little collision around his body, like that his muscle got injured and started to rebuild themselves. But every time they turned too big Mormo decisively cut them, Mormo became more and more heartless as his body turned to look more and more like that of a monster!

Another year passed as he kept strengthen himself. Mormo faced his first barrier in the cultivation world, the rat emotion was too weak to help him grew his essence any longer, while his heart rejected any new essence that he inserted into his body.