massacre 1

It's not as if there aren't any more room for more essence in Mormo heart, it's just that the newly essence are rejected and turn back into life force after storing in the heart, afterward within few seconds they will leave back into the blood vessels and stay there.

After some thought Mormo got into the conclusion that the essence he created using the current life force might be too weak or that his heart can store a limited number of essences created from a single species of creatures.

Anyways there are a simple method to check this kind of stuff and this is to go for hunting which he didn't perform from the moment he entered the forest.

Until now he only collected rats from his traps, whenever he encountered any other animal, he just run away.

Now with some anticipation he left his sad excuse for house for some actions, he extracted some essence from his body and sends them flying around him, to prob his surrounding to search for nearby beasts.

After a while a small smirk could be detected on his face. He found a small pack of wolfs, the same kind of wolfs he fought around the age of eight when he met Moshe.

He called the extracted essence back before he strengthened his body and started to run in their direction.

He didn't want to risk it, so he strengthened his whole body to his maximum limit, that action required third of his stored essence, which were no small burden on his body, but it was better to play it save.

In the middle of his running he used another third of his essence to pick up three rocks from the floor, he circled them around him in a familiar way and stored some of the essence inside them. A perfect balance between strength and flying speed.

Around 20 wolfs were in his field of vision, at the moment he detected them they detected him.

Without any hesitation all of them jumped to the air and started to spine around themselves.

Mormo while a little bit panicking sent the three stones flying directly into the closest three wolfs, the stone flew so fast that the wolfs couldn't even react before the stone penetrated their bodies!

three wolfs fell to the ground while the other kept moving in his direction as if nothing happened, Mormo retract the essence from the stone and sent them back into his body while jumping into the air and grabbing the exposed bones of one of the wolfs.

With one hand he stopped the wolf from spinning, because of the essence that strengthen Mormo's body not a scratch could be seen on his hand.

as he grabbed the wolf in the air he kicked it on the face.

The wolf shot off into the ground, created a small crack on the surface of the earth while one of his bone stayed in Mormo hands.

the whole pack stopped in place. Dread was written all over their faces, they were truly scared. Without any hesitation they turned around and started to flee.

But like hell Mormo was letting them escape. He extracted his whole essence capacity from his body and insert them into the wolfs themselves as part of his experiments.

As the essence entered their body, each of the wolfs fell on the ground and started to howl and tremble.

It's seems that to be able to contain Mormo essence the creature must overcome Mormo experience and pain.

Mormo was elated, what a nice surprise.

He tried to control the influence that the essence has on each creature, it was easy to turn between strong emotions like emptiness and anxiety. But he couldn't control the power or the vision or even the emotion itself he could just reflect his own strong negative emotions to his enemy.

It's probably due to his undeveloped power and his low level of control. But he had some anticipation to find more and more about his own power.

He extracted back his essence from the surrounding wolfs, at the moment the last essence left the pack passed out.

They couldn't keep their sanity anymore in this state and their mind had to overcome some kind of restart, that just how terrible Mormo own experience were, whatever the one he stole from the rat or the one he experienced on his own. It was even questionable how he managed to keep his sanity, to some degree at list.

Mormo moved from wolf to wolf there were 4 dead among them, but all the others were just fine.

He tried to extract the life force of the first wolf and convert it into his own. But after he purified the life essence his body strongly rejected it, as if it fought it!

After another attempt the Mormo tried to push the life force as if devoured it by his own life force, but nothing helped as the life force eventually dispatched.

Mormo didn't dispose of this idea but push it aside for a moment and tried to create an essence out of the next wolf, which work as expected but this time not as with the rat like creature his body didn't reject it!

There was another experiment he had to perform.

He waited for the wolf to wake up after he buried half of their body in the ground and strengthened the ground with his essence.

After they waked up they were panicking and trembling out of fear, but strange enough Mormo couldn't convert their feeling into his own power and upgrade his current essence strength.

After studying the particles closely, he could determine that these particles weren't the same as the pervious particles he found around the mouse, they were too familiar as if they already belonged to him.

Maybe he couldn't absorb the particles that has been created by his his own essence illusions?

He went to one of the wolves, pool it out of the ground and started to beat him. he tore his legs off and dig into his flesh mercilessly.

In a matter of seconds, a lot of new particles left out of his body as he trembled in Mormo hands. And even around the other looking wolves.

After trying Mormo managed to strength his own essence as expected, it took almost an hour but, in the end, Mormo managed to strength his essence quite a bit before all the wolves dropped dead.

His method to provoke emotion from the wolves were primitive, took a lot of effort and time so Mormo already started to think about ways to improve it.

He didn't manage to go far off before he could feel an enormous object flying directly to his location.

He jumped to the side at full speed while strengthened his body, but he couldn't avoid the object which hit him head on.

Mormo flew some distance away right into a huge bolder which shattered into pieces.

Thanks to his fast reaction he didn't find himself injured too hard, but it did hurt a bit and some open wounds could be detected all over his body.

He stood fast and saw a giant wolf with a big horn over his head looking hatefully at him while he was surrounded by another hundreds of wolfs.