Life worth living 1


A few minutes ago


Mormo stood slowly, behind him the protective electric wall stood firmly, and Moshe lay lifelessly, in front of him the gnome stood up as well, with a little bit of blood flowing out of his mouth.

"You are a human" the gnome said confused. "Your power is to mess with emotions … no! your power is to inflict your emotions into others!" the gnome stated as the evilest smile that Mormo ever saw appeared on the gnome face.

"Unfortunately for you, you are facing the wrong opponent!" the gnome said as he pointed his hands into Mormo's direction and started to cycle them around themselves.

Mormo had a very acute and sensitive senses, so he could easily detect his opponent's essence while it was directed at him.

He noticed two things about the coming attack, first was that the essence didn't move around itself at all, the essence that flew toward him was the normal essence that this world contain, but normally the essence is floating around randomly, while it keeps moving around itself at constant speed, even his own essence, he never detected any essence which moved in the air but didn't cycle around itself.

This essence moved in his direction, but it didn't cycle around itself, which let Mormo to theorize that if that essence touches him, it will try to keep him in place.

The second abnormal thing was that this essence contained unimaginable amount of dark emotions.

Mormo could feel the disturbed emotions that this power carried, to the extent that Mormo got a little bit afraid to touch it.

Who was Mormo?? He experienced so much pain and bad luck, how could he be afraid of other circumstances?

He couldn't believe that someone had such a magnitude of differences in experience and bad luck then what he had to live through in this world. He thought that he lived in an actual hell.

With a determined face he put all of his essence forward to try and indirectly influence the coming essence.

As he did with his mother while training in the desert, he wanted to use his essence to manipulate the coming essence only by small amount, so the essence would start cycling and the attack will turn out useless.

Mormo sent his essence into the coming attack, as it touched the essence of the gnome it didn't managed to do anything at all, the coming attack kept moving into the direction of Mormo and eventually it touched Mormo's Body.

It felt like a thousands of kilograms are locking him in place, it didn't hurt, he couldn't feel any pressure, but if he tried to move even for the simple act of breathing, it took an enormous effort from him. He could move, his body was strong, and he could enhance it with his essence, but from the outside it probably looked like he is moved in a slow motion.

The gnome moved slowly in the direction of Mormo, a dirty smile still covered his face. Mormo tried to think of different ways to escape this situation, but no matter what he did nothing helped, his opponent was stronger than him. It was that simple, he has so many essence in his body that Mormo couldn't stand a chance.

Mormo had a bad feeling about that, but he had to try something, he tried to eat the emotions that was carried by the gnome essence.

At the same time, he tried to send some essence to inflict to the gnome the miserable experience that he felt while his life force tried to escape from his body every few weeks.

The essence that tried to eat the emotions that the gnome's essence carried, after absorbing only a little bit, became unstable very fast and immediately afterward it shot back into Mormo's body, while the essence that tried to attack the gnome did practically nothing to the gnome.

Mormo's essence came back to him, and the moment it entered Mormo's body, he immediately forgot himself, who he is or where he was.

He turned out to be a man who was locked in place by a lot of metallic ropes. This man was very tall and handsome to an unusual degree, he was powerless, no god recognition at all.

Behind him there was an old lady, she looked at him with a perverted expression and had a lot of needles in her hands.

Eventually she would put a needle in his spine or in his head, directly to his brain.

The pain was unimaginable.

Mormo, who was now this young man, shouted each time a needle entered his body. He didn't have any hopes, he didn't have any dreams, all he wanted was for the torture to stop. Days went by, years went by, the lady became older and older, and it was hard for her to reach the head and the shoulder of that man, who became taller.

One day she brought some kind of demonic elve like creature, which cut off parts of his legs and hands, after he made his limbs shorter he connected it again, which transform this man into a gnome like creature.

The pain was nothing like ever before, he never experienced anything like that, all he wanted was for this event to end up as fast as possible.

He didn't think about anything, he didn't even think about the possibility of dying, for some unknown reason he couldn't faint, all he wanted was for the pain to stop, he wanted to make the time flow faster.

But after the procedure finished, and the old lady finished with her "fun time" she left, and the gnome like creature was left alone to his boredom and his own thoughts.

Very twistedly he started to wait for the old lady to come back, he wanted for her to come faster, so that his boredom will relieve. That how the gnome wasted 20 years of his life. All the pain, the desperate he felt, the loneliness, the loss of all hope.

It was an experience that Mormo didn't even came close to experience, Mormo experienced it in small parts and when he opened his eyes and waked up from his trans like state, his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he vomited while falling to his knees.

The gnome was already very close, so he punched Mormo in his face.

Mormo flied back as he collided into the wall of the corridor that they were now in.


A strike of blood flew from Mormo's mouth.

Mormo tried to regain control over his body, his eyes contained a hint of a deep fear. He didn't want to experience the gnome's past ever again.

"HAHAHA, what's happened? Does my emotions are too extreme for you?" the gnome said with a dark face.

The gnome had a good mood, he didn't want to finish this battle too fast. He didn't remember himself to be in a good mood for a while, so he didn't want to waste this opportunity.

He kicked Mormo in his chest to the direction of Moshe, which still lay lifelessly on the floor.

Mormo flew in the direction of Moshe and collided with him, he already came back to his sense, so he commanded all of his essence to fly around him and protect him and Moshe from anything the gnome might inflict on them.

Abruptly, out of nowhere, Moshe stood up with a confused look on his face and held out his hands into the direction of the shield. Mormo could feel that Moshe is trying to collect his essence into his body!

Shock filled Mormo's mind! What the fuck is happening?? Moshe was more shocked than him! He didn't know what happening ... he didn't know where he is ... but he can feel something! He can feel essence!

The gnome didn't understand anything, he couldn't feel anything, so for him it looked like the slave stood up and raise his hands into the sky, which looked kind of pathetic to him.

Mormo permitted small amount of essence to enter into Moshe's body, he tried to store this essence into Moshe's skin, but at the moment the essence entered into his body it just floated all over Moshe's body randomly.

Mormo had a perfect control over the essence in Moshe's body, after he confirmed that, and he felt that he can extract the essence whenever he like, he let Moshe have another 20% of his essence.

The transfer happened in seconds.

Abruptly Moshe turned into 1-god-level cultivator, after only another second he jumped into the 2-god-level, the third-god-level cultivator … the gnome got startled for a moment, but immediately after that he got very excited!

"Anomaly! The captain, my savior will be very happy!" he said with a perverted grin as he moved fast into the direction of Moshe.

Moshe just broke into the 4-god-level, he felt as if the rat like creature next to him is the source of his power.