Life worth living 2

He was very confused, he didn't understand anything. By pure instinct he knew that he needed to protect the monster that stand near him!

Moshe didn't know how to fight, he never even punch anyone in his life. All he could do is to control his essence and drop it in the direction of the coming handsome gnome.

The essence that left Moshe was nothing like the essence that entered him.

It was pitch black, it was terrified to look at.

The gnome had a very bad feeling about that, he didn't have much time to do anything about the coming essence. He called all of his essence to form a shield around himself, which stopped the essence completely from touching him, but it couldn't stop the essence's influence.

Moshe was terrified, as if he just experienced his most terrified times of life over and over again. But the gnome wasn't in a better shape.

Both of them got a high mental damage and fell to their knees.

Probably the life that Moshe experienced wasn't any better than the life of the gnome.

Mormo appeared behind the gnome and tried to punch him in the face with all of his remaining essence. The gnome managed to block the coming attack.

"HHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mormo screamed

In the middle of the collision, Mormo's essence, without him trying, absorbed again some of the negative emotions that the gnome essence carried.

Mormo experienced how the gnome stayed alone for weeks, hoping for the time to get faster so the torture will start again. How miserable he was when the old lady tortured him to relief her frustrations.

Over and over again all of it happened very fast, maybe a second or two, but for Mormo weeks of terrible experience had passed.

He had no air in his lung.

While the gnome became happier, he became more confident in himself. He felt like he is becoming stronger every time this monstrous creature attacked him.

"What a power!! You are a walking treasure!! You have the power to heal my soul!! To remove my hinders and my biggest fears!"

But at the same time, it looked to him like the power of the slave became much scarier.

In Mormo's perspective the power of Moshe's essence never changed.

Mormo jump back while blood dripped out of his nose and mouth.

The fight between Moshe and the gnome was quite interesting.

Both of them were shaken, Moshe couldn't move, his eyes turned black, and his essence were pitch black, desperation and helplessness leaked out of him.

The gnome stayed ahead of Moshe with a worn expression, he weirdly was in a good mood despite all the horrible feelings that rushed into him, but he couldn't move too much as well, his emotions and mental stability just floated around, he needed some time to collect himself.

Mormo understood that Moshe couldn't keep this state for too long, he had no real motivation, and he is doing whatever he does basically on instincts.

Mormo understood that if he will not do anything fast, both of them, he and Moshe, will die here relatively fast.

Mormo bit his tongue while cursing his fate and feeling very miserable, his face shone with determination.

Mormo sent his essence to eat the emotions of the gnome.

The gnome could long ago to win against this slave and capture the human like rat, but he didn't do that because he hoped that Mormo will keep fighting him and take his bad memory away.

When he saw what Mormo did exactly that he was elated. He was very happy to leave his burdens which ate his soul every day to Mormo.

Now Mormo actively tried to eat the emotions of the gnome, so the essence of Mormo came in contact with the gnome's essence, took everything that they could and flew back to Mormo.

After they turned into Mormo's emotions, with a painful process, Mormo's essence still shone brightly with a strong and white light, but bigger and stronger. The essence flew again in the direction of the gnome to eat his remaining burdens again and again.

While this process kept going Mormo's mind and sanity became even more unstable. He felt and actually experienced 20 years of none stop tormenting, he felt the shame of waiting for someone to abuse him and the feeling of praying for the extreme condition to end, thousand upon thousand of different ways of sadistic experiment that was performed on the gnome, Mormo experienced as if it happened to him directly.

It was as if he lived another life that he knew about without actually living it, it was very real feeling for him.

While the gnome become happier and happier, the gnome also became stronger and stronger.

His experience didn't shackle him anymore, he was free! The essence of Moshe couldn't even touch him. He was free! His cultivate raised abruptly and already broken into the 9-god-level, he was only a step from reaching the 10-god-level, an elder status in the continent.

Even his power transformed, he didn't have the desire to control time anymore, he already forgot such an experience, he was elated, he actually felt like his emotional state is balanced. He was relaxing in his own body. His power surge, he felt like a god!

Moshe could move, but he didn't know what he should do right now, he had no plan and didn't even know why he fight. All he knew was that the bloody monster over there gave him new powers, so he wanted to help it.

He run in the direction of the gnome, raising his fist. But the gnome just sent a little bit of essence which pushed Moshe and made him fall into the floor extremely injured.

The essence left Moshe body and returned to Mormo as Moshe lost consciousness.

These few minutes were hell to Mormo … he took 20 years of suffering and turned it into his own, blood flew out from every possible place in his body.

"HAHAHA you are my treasure, but don't worry, I will not use you as a slave, but as a way to make this world better! Together we can change this continent! My master can finally make his wish come true!" the gnome said, while the whole room shone with light.

While the gnome finished his little speech, the wall of lighting disappeared. The whole door shone with lighting as the floor started to tremble.

A confused look appeared on the gnome's face, didn't the captain have 17 or so followers under him? How the vice-captain is still alive? The sun of lighting disappeared into the floor.


The gnome was a little bit worried about his master, so he wanted to run there and check what happened, but at that exact moment, the light that covered the room got blocked by something,

Mormo bend on his knees covered in blood and looked very miserable, like a dying animal, but the danger that he was emitting was very real to the gnome.

He wanted to rush into Mormo and cut his head off, he was anxious about him all of the sudden, but he was too afraid to come close.

He actually was afraid. He didn't feel these emotions in years ... something was not right, how come he can be afraid after everything that happened to him?

But yes, he was terrified, he couldn't move.

Slowly six white masses floated around Mormo, connected to him with a golden thread.

The gnome, for some reason, knew exactly what these masses are, they represented different kind of desires or maybe a different kind of loves!

Mormo abruptly stood on his feet, he looked in the direction of the masses that represented the desire to keep himself alive, took the golden thread which looked very weak and cut it off!!

After he experienced the terrible life of the gnome combined with his own experience, any desire to live in this corrupted world died, the love for living died completely.