Gearing Up & Goodbyes

I opened my eyes to see a dense sea of leaves shading me from the bright sun. As I stood up I was insanely excited to get going on my adventure and explore the world of DanMachi.

It was then that I decided to use some wishes, I mean its only right. But before that, I would look at my status so I could compare now to later.



Name: Silvv Vronti

Age: 15 Years old

Race: Human

LVL: 1

Magic: None

Skills: None

Strength: 0 (I)

Defence: 0 (I)

Vitality: 0 (I)

Agility: 0 (I)

Magic: 0 (I)

Weapon: None


An hour later I had finished thinking about my wishes and started to wish for them.

Another 15 minutes passed before all my current wishes were finished and I was finally wearing some clothes. I wished for many skills, magic, make me level 13, SSS rank stats and a black katana.

The katana would be unbreakable, forever sharp, and doubles all damage of lightning based attacks that run through it.

Lastly, I wished for an ability to edit my status so that when I join a Familia it won't be too odd.

Finally, after I had wished for everything I currently wanted and decided to view my status once more.



Name: Silvv Vronti

Age: 15 Years old

Race: Human

LVL: 13


Lightning Bolt - A powerful attack that blasts lightning towards the target dealing high damage. The range can vary.

White Spark - Imbues a weapon with lightning magic, covering it in lightning. It increases attack damage greatly.

Storage - Able to store anything except living beings. Infinite space.

[Stutter - Slows time down but the user still moves at the same speed]

[Teleport - Teleport anywhere the user wants]

[Rewind - Rewind the body to a previous state, basically instant healing. Can also fix his body in one state.]


Limitless (SSS)- Has no limits what so ever

Genius King (SSS)- Extremely rapid growth

Exterminator (SSS)- Double damage against all monsters

Magic Emporer (SSS) - Doubles damage, efficiency and range of all magic

Will of the Conqueror(SSS) - Exert a pressure on anyone or thing, making them afraid of the user and they will either faint, be scared or die depending on the users wish and opponents strength.

Lightning Lord (SS)- Resistant to lightning based attacks, all lightning attacks used do double damage

[Creation (???)- Ability to create anything the host can imagine (money, unbreakable swords)]

[Weapon Saint (SSS) - Grants unparalleled skill with all weapons. All attacks with weapons do double damage.]

[A/N: Next time the status shows up I will not include the skill descriptions]

Strength: 9999 (SSS)

Defence: 9999 (SSS)

Vitality: 9999 (SSS)

Agility: 9999 (SSS)

Magic: 9999 (SSS)

Weapon: Raikiri (SSS)

[A/N: Anything in [] is hidden


After creating a couple billion Valis and storing them with my storage magic, I started walking towards Orario instead of teleporting so I could take in the sights. I guessed it would take me a day to get there.

However, before that could happen I felt a flood of memories assault my mind and a sharp pain accompanying it.

It was of me and my adoptive grandpa Zeus. I had said I was going into the forest and would return soon.

Filled with excitement at meeting the legendary God Zeus, I immediately headed back to the place where we lived.

I exited the forest and was almost home. As I neared home I saw that it was a simple wooden cabin in a clearing with a couple of fields spanning a few hundred square metres, filled with various crops around it.

I saw my grandpa cooking dinner as it had gotten late from the walk back. He turned around to greet me with a wide smile and a hint of pride yet sorrow glinted in his eyes for a mere second before it was gone.

Zeus: "Good to see you are back safe, I have something I need to talk to you about. But for now, sit down, let's eat."

We sat down at the table and started eating some bread and soup. A farmer's dinner, but delicious none the less. As we were finishing up he told me to meet him outside.

I finished clearing up dinner and I saw Zeus standing in the living room, constantly shifting his weight from foot to foot. He must be quite troubled for him to be like this.

Silvv: "Grandpa, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

I inquired with concern, and in turn, receiving a light smile from Zeus.

Zeus: "Silvv, my boy. I know that your 15 now and very eager to get started on your adventure,*cough* and get laid *cough*, so I wanted to give you something."

Smiling at Zeus' not so subtle attempt at telling me the real purpose of being an adventurer, I began to get curious at what he was going to give me.

Shortly after he finished speaking he went inside his room and came out with some clothes and armour.

He brought them to me with sadness evidently shown on his face. While I was wondering what they were and why they were being given to me, Zeus swiftly answered my unasked question.

Zeus: "This was a friend of mines old adventuring gear, he… doesn't need it anymore. It is some light armour made with mithril and some leather boots, padded cloth pants and a long sleeve shirt. Try it on, I'm sure it will fit."

He finished while looking at the clothes and releasing a long sigh.

Silvv: "I'm sure they will grandpa, let me go put them on."

I headed into my room with clothes in hand to go get changed. Once I entered my room and closed the door, I wished for a skill that could appraise anything and tell me its details. I proceeded to use said skill on the armour.

The armour was white with streaks of golden lightning running through each piece. There was a torso piece covering the top of my chest, two shoulder guards, two arm bracers and two knee guards

[Lightning's Guard]

Rank: S



Extremely durable

Very light

Lightning magic attack boost

Moderate speed boost

Small all element resistance

I was quite shocked to see how high quality this armour was, at least in this world's standards, and I decided to wear this instead of creating my own out of appreciation to Zeus.

My eyes landed on the pair of black leather boots with a golden etherial sheen on the sole that fascinated me, as sometimes it was there and sometimes not. I activated [Appraise].


Rank: S



Extremely durable

Very light

Lightning magic attack boost

High-speed boost

Another great item. Finally, my gaze flicked to a skintight, black long sleeve shirt and black, lightly padded, skintight pants. I picked the shirt up and the material was quite thick but it was quite light nonetheless.

[Thunder Garb]

Rank: S



Extremely durable

Very light

Small speed boost

Small lightning magic attack boost

It seems they are paired together. I began putting on all the armour and when I was finished, I thought I looked badass. I used [Appraise] on the armour once more and what came up surprised me greatly.

[Zeus' Gift]

Rank: SS

Additional Traits (Set Bonus) :

Static Shock - Anything that touched the armour will receive a shock, causing the target to be stunned, unconscious or dead. Can be turned on and off at will.

All previous traits receive a small upgrade

I was absolutely in awe, this was an extremely amazing set of armour. I ran outside to see Zeus waiting for me. He saw me coming out of my room and studied me.

Zeus: "You look incredible, Silvv. You have made an old man proud."

He spoke with tears welling up in his eyes. I went over and hugged him, we both knew this was the last time we would see each other for a while.

Slowly I broke out of the hug and said goodbye to my grandpa before leaving the house, walking down a lonely road at a casual walk. I was sort of sad that I would be leaving Zeus, but that all left when I thought about all the adventures I would go on.

I teleported a short distance from Orario, with the front gates in view, and began my journey to greatness and pleasure.