A New Adventurer

I strolled up to the front gates of Orario, taking in all the different people I saw. Pallums, elves, dwarfs and loads of other Demi-humans.

As I approached I saw people looking at me with awe and envy, at first I didn't know what was causing these reactions from people and remembered I was wearing this awesome armour.

Quickly realising my mistake I wished for a magic that could create illusions that even the Gods couldn't see through.

This will come in handy when he meets the blacksmithing Goddess Hephaestus, after all, he doesn't want to draw in any unwanted attention, that would be a major stopper in his plan. At least for the time being.

Using his new magic appropriately named [Illusion] he made himself look like he was wearing simple leather armour with a dull grey shirt and brown pants.

I made my sword look like a common iron sword, thus making myself look like a simple, poor young man looking to make a living in the dungeon.

The few people who were looking at me were slightly shocked at me sudden change but thought they were mistaken before. Truly a powerful illusion. Their envious gazes turned to a more hateful one as they couldn't believe they thought so highly of a peasant boy.

Satisfied with the result of the illusion I continued walking to the gate and started to wait in the line to get in. It wasn't the biggest line with only around 20 people and it was moving quite quickly as well.

Before coming here I made a leather pouch with my [Creation] to hide my storage magic, in case anyone wanted to take advantage of me. I put some of my valis there.

It was finally my turn and the guard in front of me looked me up an down clearly didn't think much of me.

Guard: "Boy, what's your business in Orario?"

The guard's gruff voice sounded emotionless, like this sort of thing happens all the time, which it probably does.

Silvv: "I'm going to become an adventurer!"

When I said this the guard's face remained blank.

Guard: "You will have to pay to enter the city unless you live here, which I'm guessing you don't. It is 10,000 valis to stay as long as you like. Or a temporary pass for a week that is 1000 valis"

Silvv: "Okay sir, here you are."

I pulled the correct amount out of my pouch and gave it to him, to which he responded by giving me a card that was about the size of a credit card.

It said I could stay in the city for as long as I wanted if I didn't break any rules or commit any crimes.

The guard signalled I could go and I finally entered the city of Orario. First I would register at the guild so I can go into the dungeon and have more options.

When walking down the street I notice a lot of women sneaking glances at me with slight blushes on their faces. The streets were very busy with all the citizens going off to do their work.

Arriving at the guild I notice it looks very impressive and stands out greatly, I head inside and begin to walk up to the main desk.

As soon as I entered many eyes landed on me, some women are blushing and whispering how handsome I look and others just give me a glance and nothing more.

I went straight to one of the guild members that was free and watching me come towards her in a daze.

She looked like a half-elf, she had brown shoulder length hair with bangs coming down onto her forehead. Deep, emerald green eyes and a pair of small, rectangular glasses resting on her petite nose. All in all, she looked very cute.

I remembered her from the manga, she was Eina Tulle. A half-elf

Silvv: "Hello, I'd like to register to become an adventurer."

When I spoke the guild member snapped out of her daze looking quite embarrassed, the tips of her long ears dyed red.

Eina: "Ah yes, of course. My name is Eina and if you'd like to fill out this form then we can get you registered right away."

Silvv: "Thank you, Eina."

Right after I said her name she blushed quite hard and when she saw the dazzling smile I gave her she looked as red as a tomato.

I filled in the form, it had your average things on it. Name and age, but it also had things like level and familia. For the level, I put my actual level, 13. Why? Because then I won't have a bunch of low-level nobodies interrupting my adventures.

You might say that this will attract even more attention but once I reject all the request to join a familia, the major hype will die down and I'll be able to live my life freely.

And, of course, I put my familia as none.

When I returned the form to Eina she was shocked. She had doubt written all over her face and probably thought I made this up to get the attention of high-rank familias.

Eina: "Excuse me sir, but it seems you have written your level as level 13. I hope you are not joking around."

Eina's voice was cold. The people nearby heard what she said they were equally shocked, but that shock quickly turned to anger as they thought I was lying to them and mocking the guild.

Silvv: "Of course not, I am telli-"

Before I could finish my sentence, a loud voice rang out.

???: "Oi brat, you think you're better than everyone else? How dare you make fun of me!"

I turned to see who just interrupted me and what I saw was a large man, almost 2 metres tall standing over me. He was carrying a large two-handed broadsword on his back. His face was a mass of jagged scars with two brown eyes wide in anger.

I heard a few people whispering around me.

???: "Hey look, its John the Cleaver"

???: "This kid's dead, John hates people who are arrogant and cocky."

???: "Isn't he level 3? This kids toast."

Silvv: "I assure you, I'm not l-"

Once again this 'John' guy interrupted me.

John: "You little shit. I'm going to put you in your place."

At this point, I saw veins bulging out of his forehead and I knew he wasn't going to believe anything I said.

I was thinking of how to deal with him, do I dispell my illusion to show him I mean business? Or use my [Will of the Conqueror] to knock him out. Or just straight beat him up.

When suddenly he pulled his broadsword off his back and came sprinting at me.