Chapter 2: Kei Wada

I wake up to the sound of female voices talking above me.

"He is not even hurt, not a scratch" I heard one of them say, "A miracle..." said another.

I open my eyes to see two people dressed in nurse outfits looking down at me. One of them has red hair and the other dirty blond hair, both seem quite young around 24-26. "Hello?" I say.

The nurses jump in shock not expecting me to be awake. "How are you feeling, does it hurt anywhere?" they ask me.

"Uhm no?" Can you tell me where I am?" I ask in reply. I can feel the hunger coming back again, it is burning my insides with pain now.

"You are at Crestfallen Public Hospital" replies the nurse with red hair to my question. "Do you remember what happened?" "How did the car crash?" "Did you know the driver?" She asks me in a concerned voice.

I won't lie I didn't hear a thing she said, all I can focus on is her neck... her pale beautiful neck. Oh how I want to bite into it, feel her blood flowing down my throat...

WAIT! What is wrong with me?! Do I have a weird fetish? Am I going crazy? Maybe it is the hunger... Yes that must be it, I'm just hungry and can't think straight.

"Uhm, can I get something to eat?" I ask ignoring the questions she asked me.

"Oh yes of course" she replied to me. I can see the anger showing in her eyes for ignoring her questions from earlier. "What would you like to eat"? She asked with forced politeness.

"You" I replied instantly without thinking.

"You dirty little brat!" The Nurse yells back with anger and a slight blush on her face. The other nurse let out a small laugh, impressive with my courage.

"Wait, No!" "I did not mean it!" I screamed out a blush forming on my face from the embarrassment of my previous statement.

The Redheaded nurse looks at me blushing and the anger slowly drains put of her face and she begins laughing at me.

"Alright, Alright" she said, "I'll go get you something to eat". The two nurses walk out of the hospital room laughing and chatting as they walk away. With that I am left alone in the silent hospital room.

I get up and walk to the window and look down towards the ground hoping to get a better idea of where I am now.

"Woah!" "Who is that?!" I say as I see a girl around the age of 16 or 17 down at the ground smiling kindly at a old man in a wheel chair that she is currently pushing around. She looks like an angel to me.

Her white hair, small waste, perky butt. I think... I think I am in love at first sight!

As I am staring at her I notice for the first time she is looking back at me her cute little mouth shaped in disgust at me. I quickly back away from the window getting out of her view trying to slow down and understand what just happened. Did she see me checking her out? What do I do!?

I sit back down onto the hospital bed holding my head in my hands thinking about how I would change her image of me. She must think I am a pervert, God i'm so stupid, how could I just stare at her like a stupid weirdo.

I groan due to my own dumb actions and lie back down waiting for the nurses to get back to me with my food while still thinking of ways to see that girl again and change her image of me. After around 3 minutes a nurse comes to hand me a plate of food. It is not one of the two nurses from before but instead a old grumpy looking woman who hands me the plate of food and then leaves right away without saying anything.

I watch her leave and then dig into the plate of food in front of me as if I have not ate in weeks. Within what seems like seconds to me, I finish the whole plate and licked it clean. I want to say that I enjoyed it a lot, but I really didn't. I still feel as hungry as before, almost as if I did not eat the food on this plate.

As I stare at the empty plate, I feel a rage coming over me because of the unsettled hunger and I can feel myself losing control of my ming and body. At this moment I see the same old grumpy nurse walk back into my hospital room and taking my empty plate and once again not saying a single word, not even acknowledging that I am there.

With the rage already built up inside of me, I pounce at her pushing her to the ground. The plate falls to the ground and shatters everywhere, but the sound did not slow me down one bit. Instead I just look at the old nurse looking at me in fear, crying out in pain. I ignore her as well and before I realize what is happening I am already moving down towards her neck and take a bite of it.

I lost myself.

To the pleasure, the pleasure of her body going limp. The blood flowing down the side of my face, the hunger being satisfied. The soothing feeling of the blood going down my parched throat. Oh God it feels so good, so so good.

I open my eyes after drinking my fill to see a pale body staring back at me with eyes open in shock and fear. I quickly drop the body and it falls to the ground with no resistance. I back away, back onto the hospital bed and stare at the lifeless corpse which stares back atme with open eyes, filled with fear, horror, and death.

The door to my room begins to open at this very moment, I look up at it to see a white haired girl pass through it and close it behind her. She looks at me then the dead body, and then at me again.

It is the same girl from before, why is she here I wonder in my mind, but I do not say anything outloud, I just stare at her. My eyes filled with helplessness, and fear because of what I had just done.

"So, what family are you from?" She asks me as if she never saw any dead body, or the look in my eyes at all.