Chapter 3: Kei Wada

W-what? I replied not comprehending what she was asking me due to the shock of killing someone. How could she be ignoring the dead body lying on the floor right in front of her? Did she not see it? No, that cannot be it I clearly saw her look straight at it.

"What family are you from" ask the girl again her tone going cold as if she is threatening me.

"I d-don't know what yo-you are talking" I stammer out after a slight pause. What does she want from me? What family? What is she talking about? Wait.. do I even have a family? Where am I from? Where am I now?

I feel my conscious slowly leaving my body, I look towards the girl with a pleading look in my eyes, I can feel my control over my body slowly leaving and a red void appearing before my eyes and then the girl and the hospital is gone and I appear in an unfamiliar place.

"Hello Kei, I hear a voice speak from within the void I appear to be in currently. "I have not seen you in a very long time, how long has it been around a thousand years now" the voice added on calmly.

"Who are you" I reply while distracted by trying to look around the void I appeared in. It is blood red in color, and it seems to be moving, sort of like liquid a lot of it, and I might be misunderstanding this but it seems to fear me... or is it worshiping me?

"Have you forgotten your father already my little prince" replies the voice with humor in it and a slight chuckle.

"My Father... No I do not recall having a Father... then again I do not recall much of anything..." I reply with confusion and a mix of hatred in my voice due to the memory loss I am experiencing.

"Ah I am sorry Kei, I forgot your mother made you forget everything before she put you into your sleep, we were supposed to wake you up a long time ago but unfortunately the war turned out to go differently then we had planned" the voice which is supposedly my father replied with a hint of sadness.

"What war, what are you talking about" I hastily ask him in return wishing to know more.

"Now Now Kei, that will have to be for another time I am afraid, today I am only hear with the small amount of power remaining in my dying body, no one knows I am still alive, although I guess as I am going to die soon anyway it would not matter if they did know. I am just here to let you know who you are" said my father in a deep voice something I would imagine kings to sound like. "You are Kei of the Wada family, we used to be one of the 12 Royal Vampire families until we were betrayed by 3 other families of Vampire Royalty.

"I am Vampire and a Royal one at that" I question with both confusion and hesitation as this all sounds very unreal.

"Not just any Royalty my little Kei, THE Royalty, we were the at top of the 12 families for millenniums and would of remained there were it not for those traitors twats that back stabbed us when our most of our forces were sent to fight against the werewolves that were trying to attack our lands in the north" said the voice with anger and hatred at the part of betray he mentioned and then he continued to speak in his usual collected and calm voice. "We never planned for betrayal from those we have considered family for all of our lives which were very, very long. So little Kei, you are no mere Royalty, you are the next King! You will restore our family! Bring back the honor that we had, and make everyone remember the power of the Wada Family. It will be hard but remember to trust no one, everyone is evil inside. No matter how kind they seem, no matter how they act, what they do, you may only trust yourself. Trust is weakness, and weakness is Death! Now Goodbye my little prince, your mother and I loved you dearly we apologies for leaving you, forgive us. Goodbye my one and only son" the voice said with his voice cracking.

"W-wait no dad--" I exclaim but the void is disappearing at a quick pace and before I can finish speaking I wake up.

I sit up at a frighting speed to see a maid standing next to my bed, which can I just add is massive. I look at the maid but she does not respond in any way and just stands still not looking or speaking to me. I think about what had just occurred and what I heard and decided to put it on hold until I am able to figure out where I am and why I am here. Figuring it would be alright to get out of bed I get put my legs over the edge and hop down, the maid still does not react and just remains standing where she is. I only notice at this point that I seem to be wearing very expensive pajamas. I look at the maid thinking that is was mostly likely her who dressed me and then walk around to explore the room I am currently in.

The room is quite large and seems very cozy, the walls are paint in white and most of the furniture in the bed is white as well. The room had a large double door in the front wall and I walked towards it get out of here as this all seems quite strange and I just wished to go someplace with no one present to think about what my father told me. Just as I walk to the door and open it a figure is standing there with an outstretched arm that was about to push the door open.

The figure is a old man around the age of 40 and he seems to be wearing a butler outfit.

"Good afternoon" he says not startled the least at my sudden appearance by the door "I trust you slept quite comfortably I hope".

"Yes Sir" I reply with politeness as the man seems to be quite an important figure in this house as the maid behind me is looking attentively at him.

"Good Lad, now come follow me, today you will begin training for your new job" he says without looking back and walks forward expecting me to follow.

"What Job" I ask with curiosity.

"To be my butler of course" replies a charming female voice with a hint of playfulness in it somewhere in front of us.

I take my eyes of the butler and look towards the end of the corridor and see the girl from the hospital looking just as beautiful as every but now she is dressed in a casual short shorts and a t-shirt and she they suit her perfectly.

"Its you" I reply shocked as I was not expecting to be made into a butler for the girl I had a crush on.

"You can call me Lady Mia" follow my father's butler and he will teach you on how to act and what to do, also you will be accompanying me to school in 2 days so be ready I do not want you to embarrass me" she says and walks away before I can reply.