Chapter 4: Kei Wada

I follow the butter after I had watch Mia turn the corner at the end of the corridor.

"Let me be honest with you Lad, this job is a lot harder then it seems, you are obviously a vampire as the rest of us and should know how bloody and often violent creatures like ourselves are" he paused after saying that to let it sink in. He continues saying "My name is George and the next 2 days will probably be the most violent you have seen in your whole life, you will be taught to fight, kill, protect, server, but mainly protect, if Lady Mia gets hurt you will be killed by her father in horrifying ways".

By now we had walked for a little while and had arrived at a staircase leading downwards to a old looking door.

"What is in there" I asked him as the door seemed to have been not used in a long time.

"The place you will spend the next 2 days, you will not be let out until you have learned enough for me to believe you can do your job at least decently, if not perfect" he replied while opening the door and pushing me in.

As soon as I was pushed into the room behind the door I wanted to vomit, it was covered in dried blood, there were body parts everywhere, ripped apart by god knows what. It was definitely a picture I was not get out of my mind for a while or so I thought.

"Clean it up" I heard George say behind me as he turns the lights on and leaves the room closing the door behind him. There is a broom and cleaning supplies as well as garbage bags in the corner of the room.

I walk to the corner trying my hardest to avoid body parts a huge spots of dried blood, although it was hard as they were everywhere. Picking up a garbage bag I open it and begin picking up body parts close to me and putting them in there. It was quite awful at first as they smelled horrible but as I continued doing it my emotions seemed to have disappeared as I was no longer bothered by what I saw at all and was just doing the job as quickly as I could so I could go get something to eat because looking at all this dried blood was getting me awfully hungry.

As I finished storing all the body parts in the the garbage bags I walked over to the broom and cleaning supplies and noticed that there was a bucket with clean water so I picked the broom up and pushed it into the bucket getting it wet before taking it out and beginning to wash the dried blood of the floor. It was a slow process as the blood seemed to have been on the ground for a long long time and was stuck to the floor strongly. After what seemed as ages to me as my hunger was once again beginning to consume me, the door to the room opened up and George walked in and looked around at the room I cleaned.

"Well don-" he started but before he could finish I interrupted him.

"I want food, give me food" I stated without caring if he was speaking or not.

"Now now Lad, ah I guess I should ask for your name as I seemed to have forgotten too before" he said looking at me waiting for my reply.

"Kei" I replied quickly just wishing to get my food.

"Just Kei no Last name, middle name" he questioned.

"Nope just Kei" I replied as I did not want him to know my last name as my Dad told me that my family was killed, might not be wise to disclose that I am still alive to other vampires.

"Hmm, well alright then you can have your food after 1 more task" he replied

"What is it" I asked just wanting to get it over with to eat.

George looks back and a maid walks in with a middle aged man who seems to be bleeding from various injuries on his body. "Fight him" George says and then continues speaking again "We do not need useless people in this household, you will never get food, you fight for it, if you lose he gets the food and if you win you get it" he finishes and pushes the man to the floor, where the man gets up quickly and looks at me with killing intent.

"W-what, you want me to fight him" I question but before George can reply the man pounces on me and bites me on my shoulder ripping a part of the shoulder off.

I hiss in pain and quickly back up away from the man who spits my the part of my shoulder onto the ground and looks back onto me. Once again I see the man pounces towards me again but this time i am ready and move to the side causing the man to hit the wall behind me with a loud thump.

"Can you sto-" I began but surprisingly the man is behind me already seemingly not affected by his hard hit into the wall. I jump forward out of fear and just barely miss a part of a broken broom that was about to stab me in my back.

Filled with anger due to a mix of pain in my shoulder and my hunger I stop talking and pounce at the man myself and appear before him in seconds causing a shock in both the man's and George's eyes as they were not able to follow my speed as I appeared in front of the man, George tried to run towards the man to save him but before he can get there my hand pierces the mans chest and comes out the back holding the mans heart.

I pull my hand and the man falls down to the ground dying instantly. George stands behind me shocked at the turn of events as I turn around and look at him with power beyond my age and grab him by the throat, "WHERE IS MY FOOD" I yell at him causing him to go out of the shock he was experiencing and push me away making my let go of his throat.

"Your food will be he shortly" he replies in shock of having his throat grabbed by me. "Also never touch me unless you wish to be killed" he adds on as he recovers his nerves and starts to walk out the door while a made comes in with a large cup of blood handing it to me and then following George out the door and shutting it behind her.

I look at the cup and drink it hungrily, after I finish it I look towards the door where they left from and scowl then behind me at the dead man lying on the ground, although it seems he was a vampire as he turned grey in color and dried up as soon as his heart was ripped out by me. I wonder to myself how I showed such ruthlessness without realizing it but then stopped caring as my emotions seem to be constantly developing into something new which I never experienced before.

"Alright then, this is quite interesting in its own ways I guess" I say as I sit down against the wall waiting for George to come back with either my next meal or task.