Jealousy- Part 2

There was also this gnawing feeling when I thought about what happened to his vampire mate. What if she was alive? Who would Ruka pick? A mate was everything but when you had two mates, then what?

"Where were you?" I jumped at the voice and held my hand on my chest.

"I almost got a heart attack," I scowled at Louis cocked his head.

"I went to get few things outside with Dean," I replied to which he gave a small nod. There was still time for lunch so we went to the cafeteria and spotted my group. We went near the table and I plopped down.

"Eveee!" it was Bella and she hugged me from behind. Apparently, she had been to Italy and was back today, "I got you something," she said excitedly clapping her hand together. She brought a bag and stuffed it in my arms.

"Ah thank you," I told her to which she smiled. Every one of us was holding a bag each, looked like she got all of us something.