Pieces of puzzles- Part 1

Eve's POV:

After looking at the artifacts that were hung on the wall I continued to walk, I hoped Ruka finished his work early. I wonder when did they build the castle, it had an antique touch to it and was well maintained. I walked further to open a huge door revealing the library.

I loved this place, it had a variety of genres. I walked through the racks looking through the books name. I came to a section that read angels. Everything looked normal except for a particular book that read The tainted and it immediately caught hold of my interest. Angels were the symbol of purity but the title of this book was opposite to it.

I pulled the book out and walked near the window that had cushions around so that I could lean and sit comfortably. After settling down I opened the book. The first page read,

'Love is a beautiful curse, bringing happiness or tears. Power is how you wield it. For something to gain there is a price to pay.'