Pieces of puzzles- Part 2

When I came back to the castle, I could not feel Eve's presence, though I could feel the faint scent of her. I saw Caesar coming towards me and I picked it up. It was soft outside but I could tell it was stronger from the inside. A Carter breed was something rare.

"Do you know where Eve is?" I asked it scratching its ear and earned a small bark, "Of course you don't." I saw Grenda walking down the stairs holding few clothes.

"Good evening your Highness," she greeted me.

"Evening Grenda. Do you know where Eve is?" I inquired her.

"Miss Eve went out to shop with Master Sebastian," she replied and I gave a curt nod to it. Shopping? I went up to the room to take a hot shower. When I came out, I saw Eve looking inside a bag.

"What did you buy?" I asked her which made her close the bag quickly trying to hide it. I raised my eyebrow at it playfully making her blush.