Trust- Part 1

"Are you sure?" Ruka asked me as he drove the car from Benjamin's mansion.

"Yeah, hundred percent," I said sitting next to him while I petted the rabbit's head gently on my lap.

"I'm just making sure," he chuckled to some unsaid joke and I looked at him suspiciously, wondering what made him chuckle. He was making sure about me taking the rabbit home.

Simi, the little girl I had met had given the rabbit and a kiss which made Ruka playfully demand a kiss from her. The funny thing was she said a no giving a reason that he was a big meanie for not letting me take it home with me. Ruka then had to give in to her many 'please' and said an okay. The rabbit was so damn cute; it was grey in color and was of the breed called mini loft. I don't know why but I had the sudden urge to hug it.

"Easy, love. You might squish it if you hold it any tighter," Ruka said as he parked the car. I gave him a childlike smile and opened the door.