Trust- Part 2

"Do you know how hard it is to control the desire? I want to have you," he confessed as he leaned down to run his nose on the length of my neck torturously slow, taking his time sweet time. I had goosebumps forming on my skin now, "Knowing that every time I touch you, you respond to me so innocently that it drives me insane not to have my way with you." I could feel the atmosphere turn warm.

"But I can't do that," he said pulling back and looking in my eyes, "Annesana advised me not to do anything as I haven't learned to control the Franchixer side of me that well," he said.

"I think you are doing fine," I replied truthfully to which he hummed. I hadn't noticed any anger issues or out of control behavior. He was always the most composed person. He gave me a smile that stole my breath away.