Festive season- Part 1

"What are you doing here? Missing me already?" I asked Ruka with my eyelids half open and saw him smile.

"I miss you every day, my Eve," he replied kissing the tip of my nose making me smile and I felt the warmth spread inside my body. I raised both my hands and saw him look at me, wondering what I was going to do. My hands found its way to his hair and I weaved through the thick strand of hairs with my fingers.

"So sooft," I murmured as I felt its soft texture.

"Thank you for the compliment," he chuckled hearing me comment on his hair. My legs felt weak and my mind was in a buzz now thanks to the alcohol. While I was busy working my fingers on his scalp I lost my balance but Ruka held me by my waist, steadying me, "How much did you drink, love?" he asked me.

"I think three glasses but we mixed a little of everything," I answered raising three fingers in my hand.