Festive season- Part 2

He flew towards our balcony and slowly put me down, "How was the flight, love?" he asked me as we got inside the room.

"It twas good except for that little demo, you big mean wolfy," he raised his brow at me hearing the name.

"Wolfy?" he asked me amused.

"It came out in flow but wolfy is a cute name. I mean vampy isn't as cute as wolfy, " I spoke about my views and saw him looking at me, "You don't like it?"

"You have school tomorrow, love. Let's get you to bed," he said changing the topic smoothly and I removed my footwear, getting inside the bed.

"Will you come to watch me during the festival season of school? The sword fight I mean," I said as he removed his shirt and jeans, switching out the light he got inside the bed with me, pulling the blanket over us.